(no subject)

Apr 09, 2010 15:53

This has been floating around a bit lately and I finally stole it.

1. Do you have the guts to answer these questions and re-post as The Controversial Survey?

If you're reading this far obviously I did.

2. Would you do meth if it was legalised?

While I am rather curious about some drugs and would be curious enough to try something at some stage (under careful conditions), I'm thinking more along the lines of something a lot milder. Why would meth ever get legalised?

3. Abortion: For or Against It?
Nicky answered this one really well. I am definitely pro-choice. (and on a side note I hate the term pro-life cause it makes it sound as if everyone who isn't is a horrible person) There should be definite clear cut off points as to how late an abortion can be done. Nicky said it well with 'But I personally believe that life does not start at conception, and that it’s a developing/potential life at that point.'

While I really doubt I'd ever have an abortion myself unless it was for medical reasons, it's definitely not my place to make that sort of decision for other people and what's right for me wouldn't be right for other people.

4. Do you think the world would fail with a female president?

No. Why should gender matter? Every time I think we might be getting past the sexism that still exists in society, I come across something that makes me realise we're going nowhere. Like a question like that being called 'controversial'.

5. Do you believe in the death penalty?

I'm always in two minds about the death penalty. While I definitely believe that there are people who commit crimes that deserve it, such as murder and extremely violent assaults, I'm not sure it would be used correctly. The system isn't infallible, there's always the potential for it to be abused, and mistakes are still made. People still get convicted at times for crimes they didn't commit.

6. Do you wish marijuana would be legalised already?

This is one I'm really not sure about, and I really don't think it would affect me too much one way or the other. It has medical benefits in some cases, so maybe just for those situations.

7. Are you for or against premarital sex?

Another case of personal choice for the people involved. I'm not that big on the marriage thing anyway. If you're committed to someone, you're committed to someone regardless of whether or not you signed something to say you were. So basically it's all about whether or not the people involved are ready for sex.

8. Do you believe in God?

I mostly class myself as an atheist. But I do feel like there's something at work in the universe that connects everything that we don't understand. That doesn't mean it's something supernatural or a deity, I think it's much more likely to be something scientific that's far beyond our means to understand for a long long time to come.

9. Do you think same sex marriage should be legalised?

Yes. Some of the arguments against it are completely ridiculous. God disapproving, marriage is to create stability for kids etc. I'm an atheist and quite possibly planning to never have kids, and yet I am still allowed to marry. Love is love no matter what form it comes in.

10. Do you think that it’s wrong that so many Hispanics are illegally moving to the USA?

I have no idea about the issue, so the same way other people did I'm going to talk about Australian immigration. This topic always throws me because I never know what to think. There are a lot of people trying to escape horrible situations they shouldn't be in in whatever way they can. But I just think a lot of this needs to be done through proper channels. And I do think there needs to be some limits at times. We're not really set up to deal with an incredible influx of people who need a lot of support to get resettled.

11. A 12 year old girl has a baby. Should she keep it?

I doubt any 12-year-old girl would be capable of properly taking care of a baby, especially emotionally. Mostly I think it should be a case of the family keeping the baby, not the girl. If the family is set up enough that they can take care of the decision, there's no reason they shouldn't provided they're willing. Another thing to think about would be the girl. Depending on the circumstances the whole thing would affect her psychologically and that needs to be taken into account as well.

12. Should the alcohol age be lowered to 18?

It's already 18 here in Australia and I honestly see no problem with it. People are going to abuse alcohol are going to abuse alcohol, and I don't think the legal drinking age changes that.

13. Should the war in Iraq be called off?

Yet another issue I don't know where I stand on. Mainly because I don't understand the whole issue and all the politics involved etc. All I know that now, it would be a bad idea to just turn around and leave the pieces for someone else to pick up.

14. Assisted suicide is illegal: Do you agree?

No. Euthanasia carries a lot of risk of abuse, so if legalised it definitely needs strict guidelines and supervision. It needs to be ascertained that the person does want to die to end their suffering, not just to prevent being a burden to their families or that they're being forced into it.

15. Do you believe in spanking your children?

My parents never spanked me ever and I think I turned out fine and was pretty well-mannered throughout my entire childhood. I believe it's very doable to raise good kids without using spanking. There are other forms of discipline to use, without using one that implies violence.

16. Would you burn an American flag for a million dollars?

A million dollars is a lot of money and I can't say I wouldn't hesitate before saying no, but it would be a no.

17. Who do you think would (have) make/made a better president? McCain or Obama?

Even if Obama didn't turn out to be as great as everyone thought he was going to be, I still don't think he's done too badly. And I think America definitely needed the change. McCain seemed a lot like he would have been very similar to George Bush. A lot of the time it seems to me that politics is usually about keeping the worst people out. And yes, I think McCain would have been the worst guy.

18. Are you afraid others will judge you from reading some of your answers?

I hope not too much. People have mentioned things before that I haven't agreed with and I've tried to keep an open mind. Their opinion is what makes them, them. Differing opinions is what makes the world work most of the time. It lets us see more than one side of the issues.

Yay for weekends! It's almost here for me. Just have to get through tonight's shift at work. Here's hoping I don't have to spend five hours doing markdowns like I did last night. Lots of keying in the same numbers over and over again. Very tedious.

I tried a Cutie Cup for the first time today. And for those of you who don't know what that is, Cutie Cups is basically a specialty cupcake store. I bought a pack to share with the family as a thank you for driving me to uni this morning.

Which leads to me complaining about buses at the moment. I missed mine this morning, because they're all running much faster than they usually do. No kids to pick up because of school holidays. And then about half the ones that show up around the time I catch the bus just don't run at all. Why can't school days mean uni school days as well?
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