Cloth Diapering and Home Birth

Sep 26, 2009 22:45

Guess which one we are doing, and which we aren't. Go ahead.
I'll even put the rest of this behind a cut so you can guess properly.

Of course it is cloth. I so envy the women that have the courage and conviction to birth their children at home, but I do not have that kind of faith in my abilities.
I will be honest - I am terrified about labor in general, and not enthused about birthing in a hospital where I will most likely receive drugs to speed up labor so the doctor can get home in time for dinner. We've decided home birth is not off the table for baby two, but baby one will be welcomed into a hospital room.

Cloth diapering, however, we think we might be able to handle. Aside from the cost, we are overwhelmed by the amount of garbage disposables create. Over 500 years in a landfill? We just can't do it. Even if we fail horribly at cloth diapering, neither of us can make that amount of waste okay in our heads.

So, gDiaper will be our first steps into that brave new (old?) world, and hopefully we will have great things to report that will convince you all to follow suit.
That's the hope.

I'll update on life another time.
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