Annnd here's my art for story #2 for the
Again, same story as with my last post, I'm ridiculously busy and wasn't able to make much in the way of art for this story. But I'll have glorious free time again in a little over a week, and then I'm revisiting both of these posts and making all the art I don't have time for now. I'm sure looking forward to it, let me tell you, lol!
So anyway, this time I got paired with the super cool
dear-tiger ♥ I had a awesome time brainstorming with you, I was totally inspired! And I can't wait to read the finished fic!
T Wears a Top Hat(Gen, PG)
Summary: Sam wears Dean's obsessions and delusions like he wears his old shirts and sneakers. It's not as if ideas are less hygienic than jeans.
Also a quick thanks to the Reverse Bang mods for providing me with this fun opportunity and for running things so smoothly!