I absolutely LOVED "The revolution will not be televised!" Where did you see it, I've been looking for the DVD for months! This is one of those viral pieces of media its good to infect people with.
As for Chavez himself, he's not perfect, but an all-around great foil to the corpolitical powers in the global west/north.
I saw it at a forum hosted by the Global Justice Committee which is a project supported by Chicago Jobs with Justice. They got it from "some guy who had a copy."
A quick google search found this site which may or may not sell to the US. Probably worth looking into if you really want a copy.
Did you hear about how Chavez offered cheaper diesel fuel to the CTA? Apparently he has done this in other cities such as Boston which accepted the offer, but Chicago is turning it down because its not clean enough.
Comments 2
As for Chavez himself, he's not perfect, but an all-around great foil to the corpolitical powers in the global west/north.
A quick google search found this site which may or may not sell to the US. Probably worth looking into if you really want a copy.
Did you hear about how Chavez offered cheaper diesel fuel to the CTA? Apparently he has done this in other cities such as Boston which accepted the offer, but Chicago is turning it down because its not clean enough.
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