Watching Star Wars Episode III. Natalie Portman gets the worst death scene ever. Seriously, it would have been so easy to have Darth Vader do something and not just die of a completely implausible broken heart!!!! Yes, I really have nothing more interesting to think about at the moment. That's okay though.
And now a survey. Woooooooo.
1. Is your backyard just a concrete slab with no grass?: No, it's woods with no grass.
2. How many bookcases are in your house?: Not enough, as we still have piles of books everywhere.
3. Do you have any goldfish?: I do not.
4. What's your favorite show on MTV?: America's Next Top Model is occasionally on MTV, so I suppose that.
5. Do you like that show Project Runway?: Never seen it.
6. Do you have DVR or TiVo?: We have DVR.
7. What DVD is in your DVD player currently?: Atonement, I think, unless someone watched something else since last night.
8. Do you have a stereo system hooked up to your TV?: Nope.
9. Do you like shopping at WalMart for clothes?: EW. No.
10. Does your family take a family picture yearly?: No... actually there are very few pictures of my family all together, oddly enough. I think the last one we took was when I was in high school
11. Are you tired right now?: Exhausted.
12. Have you ever had a sexual dream about your ex-boyfriend?: No.
13. Do you look up what your dreams mean online?: No, although I did look up one of Brenda's dreams in my dream book yesterday.
14. What color is your toaster?: White.
15. Do you currently have a job?: Yes.
16. When was the last time you used a Post-It note?: Hmmm, couple of days ago?
17. Do you exercise regularly?: Yes.
18. Have you ever made a survey?: No, I generally just steal other people's.
19. What type of phone do you WISH you had?: An iPhone would be nice.
20. Is there a fish tank in your house?: Yes, but it is in a closet and has no fish in it.
21. Do you own a pink blanket?: No, but I do own three fuzzy pink scarves.
22. Do you drink Red Bull or any other energy drink on a regular basis?: I have actually never had a Red Bull.
23. Does caffeine do anything for you, or are you one of those people that it doesn't do jack shit?: Depends... usually it does.
24. When was the last time you watched TRL?: Oh god, like once in 1998 when I thought it was cool and was bored out of my mind.
25. Have you ever taken a ballet class?: Yep, I think I was four.
26. Do you think that Jessica Simpson is beautiful?: Uh, sure. I wouldn't call her ugly.
27. Do you like rainy days?: If I'm inside.
28. Speaking of rainy days, is it raining right now?: It is not.
29. Are you on any whore trains on MySpace?: What is a whore train on Myspace???
30. How many photo albums are in your house?: I have no idea. I have 34 Facebook albums, though.
31. Are you currently wanting any piercings?: I've been toying around with the idea of piercing my nose.
32. What about tattoos?: Nope, can't think of anything else I want.
33. Have you ever been to No.
34. Do you read US Weekly?: No.
35. Have you ever seen that TV show M*A*S*H?: Once or twice.
36. Do you want to have kids one day?: Yes. Or adopt. Either way.
37. Have you ever been raped?: No. What kind of a survey is this??
38. Have you read the book Memoirs of a Geisha?: Yes.
39. Do you tend to exaggerate things when telling a story?: All the time, mostly with numbers. I think people realize it's not true when I say there's eight million of something or other.
40. If you're in a fight with your significant other & they give you flowers as an apology, are they automatically forgiven?: I don't know, the situation has never happened.
41. Do you consider yourself shallow?: In some aspects of my life, I suppose so.
42. Are you hungry right now?: Kind of.
43. Can you play the violin?: Not very well... a little.
44. What about the guitar?: Not at all.
45. Do you know what ftw means?: For the win!
46. When are you graduating college?: Been there, done that.
47. Have you ever been to a real fashion show?: No.
48. Do you have wireless internet?: Using it right now.
49. Have you ever had an eating disorder?: No.
50. Are you wearing socks?: Yes, and they do not match.
1. How long have you been sober?
Slightly less than twenty hours, I think?
I guess there's no 2 or 3.
4. Are you addicted to anything?
Sugar, maybe.
5. How often do you spend on the phone/texting?
Not much at all. And that is a poorly worded question.
6. Do you have a significant other at the moment?
Yes :)
7. IF No, do you want one?
I want the one I have!
8. Do you have any children?
9. What color is your shirt?
10. Who do you want to WIN American Idol?
I don't know. I have never actually watched it enough to know who is actually on it, nor do I care to.
11. Favorite thing to do?
Read, play on the computer.
12. Do you "go out" a lot?
Not very often.
13. Do you work a lot?
Ha. If only.
14. What are your plans this evening?
Finish this and go to bed.
15. What did you do last night?
Went to Kalamazoo with Brenda and hung out with some Phi Mu Alphas we met at Dave Friday's birthday party.
16. When the phone rings who do you want it to be?
Someone who isn't trying to sell me something.
17. Do you still talk to your ex's?
Just one, on occasion. Not very often at all though.
18. What is your current favorite song?
Hmmm... I'm liking Jack Johnson's "Better Together" a lot.
19. Current Best Friend?
I had a good conversation with Katherine the other day, a fun time going out with Jil, and a great weekend with Brenda. Who needs to choose a "best" one when you have a lot of awesome friends?
20. Current worries?
How am I going to make enough money to get a car and a computer before I go to grad school?
21. Where would you rather be right now?
Ann Arbor.
22. What are you wearing?
Gray sweater, jeans, pink camisole, a zebra sock and an elephant sock.
23. Do you wear make-up everyday?
Any day I go out in public, yes.
24. Are you attractive?
I like the way I look.
25. Whats the BEST part of your life right now?
SMart Festival is over!
No 26 either? Bad job.
27. Are you spontaneous?
I can be.
28. Do you lie?
I think that goes along with the whole exaggeration question. So yes.
29. Favorite day of the week?
Friday, usually.
30. Are you a good citizen in general?
I suppose so. I haven't burned any flags or kicked any puppies, so sure.
31 Favorite store to shop at:
Old Navy, Kohl's.
32. Your dream job:
33. Are you a good girlfriend/boyfriend?
I try to be!
34. Current cell phone ringer?
One of the ringtones that came on the phone.
35. Favorite Dessert?
Ice cream!
36. Your weakness?
Chocolate, books.
37. Want more kids?
I don't have any now, so a more appropriate question would be, Want kids? and the answer is yes, but not anytime in the near future.
38. The sexiest part of you?
I dunno... eyes?
39. Does your Myspace page define you?
It's got stars on it... I don't know if it really defines me, though.
40. Do you eat fast food?
More than I should.