Recommended to me by
livinginthewing , my list of 101 things to do in the next 1001 days. This took me FOREVER. Like, ALL AFTERNOON. And it is ALL YOUR FAULT
livinginthewing ! And if the last few look like I stole them off your list I DID!
Day Zero Project:
1. Go to Japan
2. Speak nothing but Japanese for a day
3. Make a list a day
4. Write a drabble for each song in my “Loved” playlist (i.e. songs rated 5/5 in iTunes)
5. Sleep under the stars
6. 5000 question survey
7. Write a message in a bottle
8. No fast food for a month
9. Attend the midnight premiere of a movie
10. Dye my hair
11. Sing karaoke
12. Join a bookclub
13. Enter a Big Bang challenge
14. Design my dream house
15. Do a fanmix for three characters/pairings from each of my fandoms
16. Make my own beauty products
17. Use the products from 17 for a day of pampering
18. Run a stall to sell Portuguese tarts
19. Get a Job
20. Do a my day in six words diary for a month
21. Find out my blood type
22. Read the 100 free books on my Kobo
23. Find and write to a penpal
24. Learn a new random fact every day
25. Get healthier
26. Clean the house. Properly.
27. Save and invest
28. Bake for my friends’ birthdays
29. Have a garage sale
30. Hug someone each day
31. Calculate my carbon footprint
32. Review five stories a week
33. Donate ½ my spare change to charity (which, looking at the change on my bedside table, is actually quite a bit)
34. Go for a walk three times a week for a year
35. Leave a time capsule
36. Meditate once a week for an hour
37. Create an online alter-ego
38. Build a treehouse
39. Research my family tree
40. Get my fortune told
41. Help out at a soup kitchen
42. Watch the sun rise and set in the same day
43. Do the 40 hour famine
44. Fly a kite
45. Make my bed each morning for 3 months
46. Send a valentine
47. Learn 10 new words a day
48. Practice 30 words from the HSC Japanese vocab list a day
49. Do my Brain Training on DS each day
50. Write a journal entry each day
51. Find 25 things I like about me
52. Read an affirmation each day (OMG this is gonna be cheesy) for 2 months
53. Volunteer for everything for a month
54. Don’t complain about anything for a week
55. Make a fanvid for each of my favourite pairings
56. Learn how to make good icons
57. Keep a dream diary
58. Make a pillow fort
59. Go horseback riding on the beach
60. Contribute to Wikipedia
61. Visit my cousin in Perth
62. Put $5 away for each task (to be spent at the end of the 1001 days)
63. Attend a dawn service on ANZAC day
64. Start a scrapbook
65. Watch 26 movies starting with a different letter of the alphabet
66. Take 5 photos each day for a month
67. Scuba Dive on the Great Barrier reef
68. Make 3 new friends
69. Don’t procrastinate for a week
70. Go a week without fanfiction
71. Go to America
72. Watch the sunrise and sunset in the same day
73. Sing in the rain
74. Take a photo of the same place every month
75. Have fruit for breakfast everyday for a week
76. Identify 100 things that make me happy
77. Buy a car
78. Go barefoot for a day
79. Throw a party
80. Spend a whole day eating junk food without feeling guilty (Does this mean that, if I feel guilt, I have to start again)
81. Write a personal mission statement
82. Get passionate and help out a cause
83. Grow a herb garden
84. Write a book
85. Learn calligraphy
86. Take a helicopter ride
87. Participate in a Japanese Tea Ceremony
88. Research an entirely useless topic extensively
89. Have a water fight
90. Climb the Sydney Harbour Bridge
91. Organise this list
92. Make another list of 101 things to do in the next 1001 days
93. Watch the original and new V series
94. Attend university
95. Visit the Nagasaki Peace Memorial Park
96. Go on a cruise
97. Skywalk at Centerpoint tower
98. Answer 50 Questions That Will Free My Mind
99. Ask 20 friends to suggest a books, and read them all
100. Buy ten “Just because” gifts for friends
101. Go skinny dipping outside
To be done
November 13, 2013