(no subject)

May 02, 2005 19:57

The Interview Meme asked by cocoalatte

1. What's your star sign?
Scorpio. Born Nov 13th.

2. What do you think your dying will be?
It depends. Probably "Live your life the way you want it. No regrets ever."

3. In a relationship? With who? Orientation?
Nope. Hmmm... I don't know. I guess if I love the person, I would love him or her because of their characters and qualities etc and not because they're a male or female.

4. Best book evar? Why?
Hmmm... I love reading books a lot. It is very hard picking the best. I have favourites that change depending on the moods I'm in that day. That said, my favourite author is Nora Roberts. Any book of hers, I guess.

5. Do you think we should get to know each other better? Why?
Definitely! Why aren't we? *g* We should rectify that ASAP. Anyway, why? Because we're both insanely interestingly people. "Nuff said. ;)

Now, cocoalatte, am I supposed to ask you back 5 qns or what? I forgot the drill. Lol.

ETA: And I offer my interviewing skills to anyone who wants to be interviewed!
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