Hey there!
So here's finally a new chap of my fic ^^ Sorry for taking so long m(_ _)m
Title: Circulation
author: Me..? Sarcasm_chan
warning: well, some dramatic stuff and some manxman things ^^
pairings: UruhaxKai KaixReita AoixReita (Reitax?)
disclaimers: unfortunately, their manager didn't want to sell them
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Comments 88
Oh my god! this is becoming really weird. And I love it.
Poor Uruha, though. And Reita - what is it that makes every one like him? And Kai. ...Well, basically poor half of all of them! x)
yay! you're one of the few that likes what i did =D cause..welleveryone hates it that I made Kai kiss Reita ^^;;;; *guess I ahve many Aoi and Uru fans as readers XD;;;)
and indeed, all are a bit sad...^^;; I'm mean ne? m(_ _)m
Well, I don't really care Kai kissed Reita... 'Cause I trust you to know how to solve your little plot twists and everything will end up in a fitting way.
Besides, I have faith in Reita and Uruha's friendship. And your imagination.
And for once I'm keeping my feet on the ground while reading and keeping in touch with the whole story and not getting caught up with only one scene.
Well, I don't know about you being mean but... I think everyone loves a little drama, eh? That's what makes many of the readers hooked to the story, eagerly waiting what happens next. ^^
Oh and I came up with ideas the other night, and this morning ^^;;; and I'm afraid chapter 12 will be the last one ^^;;; XD;
but thnx ^^ i like your comments, the way you look at it is really cool, cause i actually can find myself in all the things you say ^^
I'd love to read one of yours! where can I find them? ^^;
*dances and stops when starts to feel dizzy*
I have a bad flu and I got enough of laying on bed all day long so I came to read some fics. And I was VERY glad to find this ^___^
Jiihaa. You made me feel a bit better.
Waiting for the next update.
aww I hope you get better soon m(^_^)m
lol! glad I made you feel better! ^^
no problem, thank you for this sweet comment! =D
lol, dunno...I'll update as soon as 12 is ready... (it is getting long ne? already 12 chaps...I intended to make it 10...)
Oh you're really welcome :)
Neeh you don't need to, rush take your time, I (and I'm sure the others too) can wait ^___^
lol, okay ^^ well I hope I can finish 12 in my holiday ^^ so that'll be this week...and I think I can make that =D
but I won't promise, cause I learned that doesn't work ^^; (srry if you get this message double, deleted one cause of horrible spelling/typing ^^;;;;)
Uru ó3o *hugs him*
but what a sweet chapter anyways <33 ♥
so the chap was worth waiting? o.o
and it was long too! *¬* so I can forgive you for have taken so long to update <3~ XD
I really smiled a lot while reading it <33 *dances*
yes it is long...I am actually afraid it is too long...but I thought: have to make it a bit longer and a bit special, cause I took so long ^^;;;
yay I'm happy I made you smile =D
Go Kai go Kai \^^/
lol, so you liked it that Kai made a (huge) move?
Hai XD! Poor Uruha. But. ^^ Uruha was right too. So.
lol, Uruha is right too? what do you mean? ^^;;
I still feel sorry for uru thoughU_U (can't you just make them a happy threesome?XDD )
Write more soon ne~~^^
happy you liked it though, I'll see what I can do for poor Uruha >D
gomen gomen~i got kinda wrapped up in playing those games(so yeah~~it's your own faultXD )
you're evilU_U (*coughs*like i can say anything bout it...^^;;;;;;; )
yup It's my own fault...they're sooooo cute =D
^^;; i know I'm evil *and damn proud of it* XD;
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