Title: Sensual Red Lights
author: Me..? Sarcasm_chan
warning: well, ...yaoi and vulgar language sometimes... english is not my mother-tongue..not beta-read
pairings: ShouxHiroto , ToraxHiroto , ?xUruha
disclaimers: unfortunately, their manager didn't want to sell them to me ;_; the meanie wants them for his own use -_-; so, i don't own them....
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Comments 95
P.S. I'm missing your other fic!
and about your questions: you'll see about Ruki X3 maybe he's just a very very good actor >D
hahaha between Hiroto and Shou? Well Shou is on love with him while Hiroto has a boyfriend X3 XDD
hahah Saga will come ^^
And what makes you think Aoi did that? ^^
hahah I'll try to ^---^ Thanks for commenting! =D
P.S: I know I am again really late with it... I am sorry ._. the fic is just not really progressing and I am desperately looking for ideas for it...I am working on it ^^ I am sorry for making you wait. m(_ _)m
It can't be that simple!
Hmm.. Because Ruki wouldn't do something like that; he would sign the card and Aoi seems bold enough to do something like that. Or something like that..
Don't worry about it, take your time!
YOU'LL SEE who it is>D..... DON'T EXPLODE O.o;;;
But I really love Uruha and Aoi in this. And how Aoi came in at the very end, SO GREAT! I can't wait to read more! ^^
You'll see if it was Aoi, ^^ maybe it wasn't.
What did you ahev in mind in "at the very end?" you mean him as the "mysterious" replacement for Ruki? Cause then the same: Maybe it was him, maybe it wasn't >D
Yeah, that was the end I was talking about. I can't wait for more! ^^
I sooooo love the scene between Aoi, Uruha and Ruki with Zeros statement xDDDD
oooh~ Saga appeared |D and a mysterious guy (is he the one who also left the wine in Uruhas apartment? |D)
yeah.. and you know my opinion about the guy Uruha bumped into earlier xDD
(sorry x_X I left my mind somewhere outside xD it melted away in the heat)
anyway~ I'm waiting for the next chapter <3333
^^ hahahha you'll see a botu Saga and Mr Mystery X3
hahaha eh...AH! *remembers your opinion* you thought it was zeh stand-in right? ^^;;
(aww. if I were you I should go look for it)
hahaha ^^ I'll try to update soon X3
Very much looking forward to reading more!
thank you! I'll try to update soon X3
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