No period as yet.Im getting very frustrated now. The reason being, i know im going to get my period its just going to be late to spite me
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Still no sign of the p word. Had some chicken soup earlier. After about 10 mins i got the worst stomach pains ever for about 2 mins then it wore off. I dont know if it was period pains or belly ache but its gone now and still no period. Im just so tired. Its red hot here and both me and the lupus cant handle it.
Still nothing. No period. I dont know what to think. I know i shouldnt get my hopes up. Its my dream, the time is right. Im getting older by the minute
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I GIVE UP!!! Im so fed up i really am! Just got off phone from hospital and they said hes got pressure behind his eye and they doubt he will be coming home today,!!! IS HE OR ISNT HE????? Im so fed up hes going to crack up in there doing nothing i miss him so much!! WHY US??? what ave we done to deserve this????
You know last night i had two of my favorite items of clothes totally ruined in the washer, so i went to bed really tired and thought id watch some Sex and the city on my portable dvd player
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