Title: The Fledgling
Series 'Verse:
The Windhovers Chapter: 8 of 8
sarcasticchickPairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: R
Spoilers: TW S1, S2
lilithilienSummary: "All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them." - Galileo Galilei
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Comments 100
Yes I want WINGPORN dammit! and Ianto watching bread rise :D
The conversation between Ianto and Ten in Chapter Seven was fabulous, both so right about each other and also so wrong.
Yes, I'm a tease. I admit it.
Thank you! I had a lot of fun writing their conversations. They're both such quirky, intriguing men.
Thanks for reading!
um... sorry about that, *g* i loved this story very much - ianto/doctor stuff is my favorite kind of torchwood fic ever & you wrote them so brilliantly (just the way you write everything brilliantly). i really hope that (after he talked about everything with jack - and wow, i can't wait to read about that!) the doctor will be back - now that they have a way to contact each other... and of course the doctor leaving a mobile with ianto was so absolutely cute, somehow. they're (still) not yet exactly sure of each other, but it feels like the beginning of a great friendship ;) how awesome.
...i love this au so much, *squishes fic*
(and i really do look foreward to the wingporn, btw ;) )
I adore Ianto/Doctor fic, too. There isn't near enough out there! I was disappointed they didn't get more screen time together during the Who epis .... *sighs* Oh well. I'll take what I can get. :)
...I just never thought I'd be writing it. *g*
Thank you, and thanks for reading!
It might just happen. *g* Course, if it does, who knows how Jack will react. ;)
Thanks for reading!
*g* I'll be working on it soon - I have to get some xmas gifts knit first and work on the novel a little bit. But soon!
Thanks for reading!
Of course he does! Aside from the fact that it'd be tough to do the wing!porn without it [innocent humming] it wouldn't really work as a romance (assuming you're even intending that), as a close, intimate relationship, with that freaking huge secret between them. And it's also a point of stress and worry for Ianto which, I think, needs to be resolved at some point. Telling Jack and having him not immediately try to assassinate the last Windhover would do quite a lot for Ianto's peace of mind. :) Even if he doesn't really believe it'd be a problem now, there's obviously some bit at the back of his brain which is worried about it, so that's an unresolved plot point. I for one would love to see it resolved.
And yeah, wing!porn. ;D
Great fic, hon. Definitely looking forward to the next story.
Oh, I probably wouldn't write a TW fic if it didn't include Jack/Ianto romance in it ... not that I'm admitting to anything ... just saying...
Thank you, and thanks for reading!
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