Title: Mirrored Glass
sarcasticchickPairing: Merlin/Arthur (pre-slash - yeah, I know. I thought the same thing)
Rating: PG13
Spoilers: Epi Tag for 01x13
Word Count: 10,000+
Summary: He was supposed to protect his people, starting with his servants and if Merlin believed he couldn't come to Arthur with this then of what purpose was Arthur?
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Comments 125
And all the fluffy baby animal references make me all squee :D
Please, please write that companion fic! And p0rn. A sequel would be awesome, as I'd like to see Merlin's reaction to Arthur figuring it out - or does Arthur let him know that he's figured it out? - and maybe a bit of that thing that Arthur wants to do at a feast ;-)
Thank you for such brilliant fic!
Request for pr0n duly noted. ;) I haven't quite worked out in my head yet what the post-fic would look like as far as Arthur knowing, etc... so might be a little while till I get something like that worked out. :)
Thank you, and thanks for reading!
Also, I laughed for a ridiculously long time at Arthur realizing his lack of Mary's ample bosom. XD
Arthur's got quite the irreverent imagination tho. *g*
Thanks for reading!
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There's something captivating about a sleeping Merlin laying on Arthur, I think. Or maybe the show just broke my brain. Entirely possible. ;)
Thank you, and thanks for reading!
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