Because while playing a triangle, the conductor doesn't try to fake you out and make you think it's time to hit the triangle when it's actually some other instrument's turn. Also, your triangle doesn't have a 10 second cooldown
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No, it's not the raid lead, but the fight itself. Essence of Suffering has 2 castable things - Spirit Shock and Deaden.
The first is the "hits the tank for 10K and confuses for 5 seconds," which apparently a few of those can get through without a wipe. The second "increases damage done to the target by 100%," and thus should be spell reflected instead of kicked. Sadly, my brain doesn't work that way. The only way I can get my reflexes to the lightning speeds required is to re-route my nervous system from eye to hand, bypassing that pesky brain structure that reads the cast bar and checks whether it's Deaden I'm kicking or Spirit Shock.
Come to think of it, I think DeadlyBossMods keeps track of when Deadens are coming, but I was too focused on doing my other thing to watch it like at all.
Comments 2
No, it's not the raid lead, but the fight itself. Essence of Suffering has 2 castable things - Spirit Shock and Deaden.
The first is the "hits the tank for 10K and confuses for 5 seconds," which apparently a few of those can get through without a wipe. The second "increases damage done to the target by 100%," and thus should be spell reflected instead of kicked. Sadly, my brain doesn't work that way. The only way I can get my reflexes to the lightning speeds required is to re-route my nervous system from eye to hand, bypassing that pesky brain structure that reads the cast bar and checks whether it's Deaden I'm kicking or Spirit Shock.
Come to think of it, I think DeadlyBossMods keeps track of when Deadens are coming, but I was too focused on doing my other thing to watch it like at all.
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