While I Am Aware That Weve Had Multiple Conversations About Your Unwillingness To Accept My Knowledge Of Your Sessions Inevitable Failure And Also My Advice When I Explain To You hat The Answer Is Probably Not On Your Assigned Sphere Of Radiance And Precipitation I Am Apparently a Glutton For Punishment And Wish To Start A New One Mostly Concerning What You Are Going To Do About The Fact That Your Consorts Seem To Be Inhabiting Everything Your Are Rending To Pieces With Your Dark Magic Given To You By Dark Gods Who May I Remind You Have Given You No Real Reason To Trust Them
TT: There is a generally accepted term for people who keep doing the same action over and over, expecting different results. TT: But for the sake of passing the time while I cross this endless expanse of ocean I suppose I will let it pass without unnecessary comment. TT: If we are actually doomed to failure, not that I am prepared to accept that yet, then my involvement with 'dark gods' should not matter because I cannot possibly make the situation worse than 'doomed.' TT: But their dark magic may provide me with a means of preventing the outcome you seem certain is coming. TT: So I am prepared to encroach somewhat on that particular unstable limb.
gA: That Is The Most Absolutely Ridiculous Thing I Have Ever Heard If Only Because If Your Involvement With The Dark Gods Actually Caused Any Changes I Would See Them gA: I Am Looking Right At You gA: All I See Later Is gA: Well I Cant Really Tell You I Guess gA: Because Of Possible Breaks In The Timeline gA: Or At Least That Is What I Am Being Told gA: Im Not The Time Player For My Session gA: But Yes Do Feel Free To Continue Consorting With Your Gl'bgolyb-esque Abominations Because I Am Sure That They Can Be Trusted And Are Willing To Help You For Nothing In Return gA: That Was Me Attempting Your Human Sarcasm gA: But That Aside What Are You Going To Do About Your Consorts
TT: If the timeline is doomed. TT: And you can see something that would allow it to change, or 'break', or even shatter into another timeline. TT: One that perhaps isn't doomed to failure. TT: Wouldn't it be better to tell me than to sit and worry about the consequences? TT: It cannot get worse than doomed. TT: And I was not planning to do anything about them. TT: They do not know anything that would help me.
TG: whoa shit check out this kodiak moment here TG: slow down a sec k lemme still my fanboy mouthbreathing and wipe off my sweaty palms to capture this rare moment of lucidity before you do a mindnumbing fucking swandive into the deep end
TT: What? TT: If you are referring to my current departure from my home and the destruction of my gate. TT: It was something of a whim decision. TT: But I am not lost control of my faculties. TT: Yet.
TT: I hacve been speaking with one of the trolls that have been hounding us all. TT: They are quite insistent that we have done, or caused, something that means we cannot possibly win our session of the medium. TT: We are, in essence, doomed. TT: Given that information, I have decided that my time would be better spent attempting to determine the rules that govern the game, rather than following the path that is laid out before me. TT: So that I might find a way around the restrictions that are preventing our eventual victory. TT: Destroying the gate was just a very visible, immediate means of ensuring that I was serious about my current plan. TT: And I wished to try out my new wands on something more reliant than the monsters that have been attacking me. TT: ...For lack of a better explanation. TT: It seemed appropriate at the time.
Comments 33
And Also My Advice When I Explain To You hat The Answer Is Probably Not On Your Assigned Sphere Of Radiance And Precipitation
I Am Apparently a Glutton For Punishment And Wish To Start A New One
Mostly Concerning What You Are Going To Do About The Fact That Your Consorts Seem To Be Inhabiting Everything Your Are Rending To Pieces With Your Dark Magic
Given To You By Dark Gods Who May I Remind You Have Given You No Real Reason To Trust Them
TT: But for the sake of passing the time while I cross this endless expanse of ocean I suppose I will let it pass without unnecessary comment.
TT: If we are actually doomed to failure, not that I am prepared to accept that yet, then my involvement with 'dark gods' should not matter because I cannot possibly make the situation worse than 'doomed.'
TT: But their dark magic may provide me with a means of preventing the outcome you seem certain is coming.
TT: So I am prepared to encroach somewhat on that particular unstable limb.
gA: I Am Looking Right At You
gA: All I See Later Is
gA: Well I Cant Really Tell You I Guess
gA: Because Of Possible Breaks In The Timeline
gA: Or At Least That Is What I Am Being Told
gA: Im Not The Time Player For My Session
gA: But Yes Do Feel Free To Continue Consorting With Your Gl'bgolyb-esque Abominations Because I Am Sure That They Can Be Trusted And Are Willing To Help You For Nothing In Return
gA: That Was Me Attempting Your Human Sarcasm
gA: But That Aside What Are You Going To Do About Your Consorts
TT: If the timeline is doomed.
TT: And you can see something that would allow it to change, or 'break', or even shatter into another timeline.
TT: One that perhaps isn't doomed to failure.
TT: Wouldn't it be better to tell me than to sit and worry about the consequences?
TT: It cannot get worse than doomed.
TT: And I was not planning to do anything about them.
TT: They do not know anything that would help me.
TG: slow down a sec k lemme still my fanboy mouthbreathing and wipe off my sweaty palms to capture this rare moment of lucidity before you do a mindnumbing fucking swandive into the deep end
TT: If you are referring to my current departure from my home and the destruction of my gate.
TT: It was something of a whim decision.
TT: But I am not lost control of my faculties.
TT: Yet.
TG: but seriously
TG: is that all it was
TG: a whim
TG: did the game turn out to be that boring or what
TT: They are quite insistent that we have done, or caused, something that means we cannot possibly win our session of the medium.
TT: We are, in essence, doomed.
TT: Given that information, I have decided that my time would be better spent attempting to determine the rules that govern the game, rather than following the path that is laid out before me.
TT: So that I might find a way around the restrictions that are preventing our eventual victory.
TT: Destroying the gate was just a very visible, immediate means of ensuring that I was serious about my current plan.
TT: And I wished to try out my new wands on something more reliant than the monsters that have been attacking me.
TT: ...For lack of a better explanation.
TT: It seemed appropriate at the time.
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