Title: Promise You'll Remember That You're Mine Characters: Peter Petrelli/Eden McCain Rating: NC-17 Warnings: Het smut and AU plot twists Word Count: 1,990
Great ending, though. Nice story. Thank you for sharing. I love seeing more of Eden. She was a fascinating character. Adam's blood should have patched her right up.
Thank you so much for reading and I'm glad you liked it. Obviously, I am very fond of Eden too and using Adam's blood is one of my favorite theories on how she could have been saved. :)
Whoa, that was an unexpected twist! LOL I was reading it thinking cute and all (trying to cleanse my soul, you know why XD) and you really managed to surprise me. XD LOVE it! I freaking adore your "innocent" season 1 Peter btw :D
haha thank you so much! I know I've done a good job when YOU like a Heroes fic without HRG... I guess season 1 Peter really was my favorite after all. But season 4 had so many lovely Noah/Peter scenes. hmm.
Comments 6
Great ending, though. Nice story. Thank you for sharing. I love seeing more of Eden. She was a fascinating character. Adam's blood should have patched her right up.
Thank you so much for reading and I'm glad you liked it. Obviously, I am very fond of Eden too and using Adam's blood is one of my favorite theories on how she could have been saved. :)
I guess season 1 Peter really was my favorite after all. But season 4 had so many lovely Noah/Peter scenes. hmm.
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