Lol. Babelfish sucks when you don't give it a subject in the sentence and when you don't use accent marks (or can't, rather, because it causes your browser to close for some reason). Comico should have an accent over the o and it means funny. es de Microsoft could mean "of" or "about" Microsoft (I was shooting for about). Termine should have an accent over the e, making it past tense "Finished."
Enjoyment is actually pretty close, in all reality.
This is why I don't need to take Spanish, buahahah. I just looked at that and new that it meant that you had a new, funny icon with the purpose of making fun of Microsoft. Then something about one, two, three, and four.
I can read Spanish without too much of a problem. Sometimes I'll stumble on a word that I don't know and I have to guess based on what everything else around it says, but all-in-all, I can pretty much read it.
But, like everything else, my problem is repeating it back (writing it). That's one of the reasons my journal is going foreign--- to give me practice writing complex sentences and ideas in other languages. Hopefully, I'll build a little more fluency for reading and writing them.
BTW, the icon is made in Paint. =P lol Just something I threw together quickly since I really did need something. =)
I think it's rather low quality, but not much I can do about that considering where I got the flag. =P (look to the very lower left of your computer screen. See the flag on the Start button? Yup, I pulled the flag from the Windows XP start button. =P )
Comments 10
New icon. I like the icon. He is comico and he is of Microsoft =)
Finish lessons of Elvish: one, two, three, and four.
Enjoyment is actually pretty close, in all reality.
I can also read cereal boxes in Spanish :-P
But, like everything else, my problem is repeating it back (writing it). That's one of the reasons my journal is going foreign--- to give me practice writing complex sentences and ideas in other languages. Hopefully, I'll build a little more fluency for reading and writing them.
BTW, the icon is made in Paint. =P lol Just something I threw together quickly since I really did need something. =)
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