Thank you! The original outline didn't have this ending... I needed a better explanation as to why Q dropped her in This time... his gift to humanity and the Federation.
Sequel... eh I haven't the faintest idea. It would most likely take place closer to TNG, Voyager, DS9 time and it will have to be really AU since Vulcan was destroyed. I'm open to being inspired.
I loved everything about this! I loved how you stayed true to Hermione and really let her shine in character. She really does suit Vulcan better than Ron (ick) and I really appreciated her kindness towards Jim and Pike. LOL at in character McCoy.
Thank you! This was really a stepping out for me... Most HP/ST2009 fics feature Harry Potter as the key player. My original idea for STBB paired Spock and Chapel
Wonderful. I loved Q's challenge to T'Pau and the way it was answered. I'm glad Hermione had Jim to help anchor her and vice versa.
Loved the friendship between Hermione and Selek, and the bond between Hermione and Spock. It just makes me sad that you are(again) introducing an awesome rare!pair in a crossover universe and will probably be the only person who can do it justice.;P
Honestly I'm hoping this inspires others to experiment. So many Star Trek crosses with Harry Potter center around Harry.... What about Hermione?!?
I think she's got a pretty big fan base... surely some of them like Star Trek.
Personally I've got plot bunnies galore for this cross but I've made a personal resolution to get my WIPs done and the fics out before starting any new fics.
Well whatever gets posted next will be awesome. But I;m delighted to hear there will be more ST/HP crossovers! Makes me feel like Christmas came early.:)
You're absolutely amazing with HP/Star Trek crossovers. Really, I feel so absorbed into the latter verse, even though I really only have a passing knowledge of it from having watched old eppies.
This was the perfect ending, too. Very appropriate that the sidhe would related to the Q, and the wizards to the sidhe. Well done all the way around.
Comments 13
Sequel... eh I haven't the faintest idea. It would most likely take place closer to TNG, Voyager, DS9 time and it will have to be really AU since Vulcan was destroyed.
I'm open to being inspired.
Good job with the Vulcans too! :)
Thank you for sharing!
Loved the friendship between Hermione and Selek, and the bond between Hermione and Spock. It just makes me sad that you are(again) introducing an awesome rare!pair in a crossover universe and will probably be the only person who can do it justice.;P
Thanks for posting!
Thank you!
Honestly I'm hoping this inspires others to experiment. So many Star Trek crosses with Harry Potter center around Harry.... What about Hermione?!?
I think she's got a pretty big fan base... surely some of them like Star Trek.
Personally I've got plot bunnies galore for this cross but I've made a personal resolution to get my WIPs done and the fics out before starting any new fics.
( ... )
This was the perfect ending, too. Very appropriate that the sidhe would related to the Q, and the wizards to the sidhe. Well done all the way around.
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