This round from
miyabita13 Ack, questions... I'm so bad with this.
1. How would you distinguish yourself from other Kyou/Kyouru fangirls? (What makes you stand out from them? ^^)
To start...I don't want to lock him in a room and keep him to myself, I want to lock him in a room with Tohru! Ahahahaha...seriously though, I think it's their actual relationship that I like the best. I adore them both individually, maybe I just relate to Kyou because I have a case of the 'middle child syndrome' I always felt left behind, the 'black sheep' of the family, and 'forgotten' and am the one teased mercifully while growing up. (In sister and I were chatting today about how she wanted to say something to my brother and I asked her why she didn't...cause she wouldn't have hesitated with me. Her answer? "Of course I wouldn't have hesitated with you, Sarah! I've hardened you with all my years of abuse, you're used to it.")
Like I said, I could turn this into a novel, but the main reason I feel I am different is because it's the little tiny things about their relationship I adore. How many people realize that his little endearing nicknames (idiot, stupid, moron) and those cute head taps weren't ever done again after he returned from Akito in vol 11? The only things that come close...he calls her silly in vol 12, says he didn't think she was that stupid when he discovers her feelings late in the series and taps her on the head with the manuscript when he is teasing her about the play.
He's been wishing and wanting her to have happiness since he was about six and his first thought when he saw her was he wanted to hear her laugh. It's still his favorite thing, why else would he blush whenever she laughed and smiled at him? How can't you adore someone like that?
2. What do you like learning about people the most and why?
I am a psychology junkie...I like figuring out how their mind works. Sometimes it's simple...sometimes it's complex...I always find it interesting though.
3. What kind of musical instrument would you be and why?
Musical instrument? Hmmm...I don't know...I'm not really musically inclined--at all. Maybe a ukulele...cause I am kinda goofy. ^_^
4. Tell me how you define life. And what do you consider is a good life?
A good life is learning to live through the pain...still growing...still reaching. I don't think you ever truely 'grow up' just learn and get a little more 'life'. Trying not to get so bogged down with negativity that it drags you down with it, it's something I had to learn to do. I am much different now at 28 than I was at 22...not as egocentric...not as selfish...not as 22 I was more mature than 18. I don't run away anymore, I have learned to face the conflicts head on and not do things to get attention, such as pouting or threatening to leave (without good reason). Life is learning from your mistakes...from the bad that happens and continuing to move... Sure, I've had my dark times in the past and I've made it through. A lot of people don't realize I had a second trimester miscarriage that really truamtized me a couple years ago, but I didn't give up...I realized how precious and SPECIAL life really is and how important it is that you live it to the fullest. Your experiences make your life what it need to make the most of them.
5. What do you like most about your style of writing?
What do I like best about it? don't know. Truthfully...I haven't been writing all that long. I tend to immerse myself in books when upset or depressed...and after I lost the baby I spent SO much money...and went through them SO fast...that I couldn't afford more books.So I started writing my own--figuring...HEH...I can do this!
I don't read much anymore. Writing has been something really cathartic for me...helped me through an entire next pregnancy, but the changes in my writing style from the beginning are staggering. The constants are I love to write dialogue...I think I am a great plotter...I hate writing action...I blush when I write any intimacy--even kissing and I still try to improve and take criticism well. *see above--I've been hardened by years of abuse from my sister* ahahhahahhaa
That's about it!