One of the weird things about growing up in the eighties are the safety messages you absorb. Walk straight across the road, don't run. Click clack, front and back. New fit every hit. I know how to clean a needle with bleach and how to rim someone with minimal risk of infection - useless information, but it's in there, along with checking a door to see if it's hot while escaping a fire and not leaving the baby in the bath. I don't remember ever being told to have a co-pilot while taking heroin, though, which is superb advice - someone to call the ambulance, just in case. In a way it's no different to making racing drivers wear helmets.
Or making sure you have a Designated Driver when you're out drinking. I know if I were to ever decide to try a hard, dangerous drug, I'd make sure there wa ssomeone I trusted around who would call an ambulance if anything went wrong.
Comments 8
I can see posters going up around town now. "Do you have your heroin buddy?" 8D
also; Heroin is a velvet underground song.
the more you know....
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