Movies in 2008 : Completed

Jul 19, 2008 02:27

I finished 100 movies in 2008 ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

youmakemelove July 19 2008, 09:52:49 UTC
CRAZYYY! I JUST watched Perfect Stranger and Vantage Point 2 nights ago!


luckyducky82 July 19 2008, 21:43:03 UTC
How was the Eye? I have it on DVD but haven't had time to watch it. Also I really want to see the Ruins as well.


sariebeth88 July 20 2008, 05:57:57 UTC
The Eye was ok. Not horrible but I'm a believer Americans should really stop making shitty remakes of Asian horror films.

The Ruins would have been better had the plants not done "something". I was just finished believing anything after that point. You'll know what I mean when you watch it. It was funny watching the extras and the producers were talking about how the plants had to be believable...I laughed.


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