I _do_ read my friends page

Nov 20, 2005 14:54

and I like to screw with slashtacular's odds-making abilities.

7 Things I Can Do

1. Yell. Loudly.
2. Spend hours working on making meaningless homework assignments perfect
3. Play snare/ride cymbal much better than I used to
4. Manage to not kill my students, even when they're being unforgivably bratty (so far, anyway)
5. Be super-OCD about organizing things for about a week, then let it all go to hell
6. Write scary-sounding, but completely non-legally-binding contracts
7. Be a good hostess, even on short notice

7 Things I Can't Do

1. Stop buying books, even when I don't have money or time to read
2. Wake up the first time the alarm goes off
3. Drive by Krispy Kreme when the hot light is on
4. Pee standing up
5. Make my hair stay curly for more than a few hours
6. Pay attention through a whole chess game
7. Explain to people what other people look like

7 Celebrity Crushes

1. Hugh Laurie [imdb link]
2. Kari Byron [discovery.com]
3. John Cusack [imdb link]
4. Kiera Knightley [imdb link]
5. Paul Bettany [imdb link]
6. Nathan Marsters (now playing for the Portland Pirates!)
7. Sean Connery [imdb link]

7 Things I Find Attractive

1. Cynicism
2. Patience
3. Grabbability of Ass
4. Maturity
5. Intelligence
6. Nearsightedness
7. Confidence

7 Things I Hope to Do Before I Die (not necessarily in this order)

1. Graduate
2. Go to DCI World Championships
3. Actually feel completely relaxed and unstressed, for more than 10 seconds
4. Change the way math/sciences are taught
5. Have a house with a dedicated library and darkroom
6. Read more than half of ALA's most frequently challenged books
7. Feel like my life is in some sort of order

7 Things I Say Often

1. Riiiiiiiight.
2. the
3. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
4. Boo!
5. That's what she said.
6. um... ok.
7. What time is it?

7 Bloggers/LiveJournal Members I'd Like to Infect With This Meme

1. thejll
2. trekmuse
3. heyitsrabbit
4. spatialrift47
5. itrytobeamused
6. soccer171836
7. yodaywon

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