It never rains.

Aug 08, 2013 22:49

I am not doing side effect bingo now, because I'm on the tablet and .html is annoying on this keyboard. Also, I'm having new and exciting side effects I've never had before, and they aren't in the list I use for the table... like irritability! At least irritability is an emotion, though - I'm transitioning into flatness now, and I can honestly say ( Read more... )

constant companion:meds, constant companion

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Comments 2

salixbabylon August 9 2013, 16:41:09 UTC
*hug* Can you start taking the new meds sooner than you'd planned? Maybe call the doctor and see.


sarahblack August 9 2013, 21:14:19 UTC
It doesn't seem very fair that the medication would make talking to people more difficult. :(

I hope the new meds kick in soon, and that the side effects go away!


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