sarkasticfics is the fanfic domain of
sarka - who feels a little bit ridiculous for setting up a fic journal, but there's no denying the fact that my journal isn't organized enough to make it easy to find my fic. And since I like my fic to get read, well, this seemed like the easiest way to go about getting that done.
I'm slowly trying to get everything in here that's supposed to be here - it'll take a while, because I'm doing it while taking breaks from writing my MA thesis, but since I'm writing a lot to avoid the schoolwork, I figured that I should set something up for new stuff, in order to hopefully make my life easier, later on.
As for the sort of general knowledge of me that might come in handy if you want to, I dunno, stalk me? I'm 25 years old, born and raised in Iceland, currently living in Germany, working on an MA in European Culture and hoping like hell I can go home soon.
I speak six languages, of which, chronologically, English is my fourth, but definitely the one I speak the best. (The others are Swedish, Danish, German and Czech.)
I am a serious Slavophile, and will often start sentences with "you know, in the Czech Republic..." If I do this too often, please don't hesitate to hit me on the head.
Fandom wise, I got into fandom at the tender age of sixteen, for which I have
hildigunnur to blame. My first fandom was Harry Potter, my OTP was Ron/Hermione, I did not like slash and didn't read smut. Hahahahaha, right?
My tastes have obviously devolved.
And I keep jumping fandoms, I'm a serious multifandomer by now. As a matter of fact...
Fandoms in which I have spent some considerable time:
Battlestar Galactica
Criminal Minds
CSI: Las Vegas
CSI: New York
Doctor Who
Dresden Files
Harry Potter
Pirates of the Caribbean
Star Trek
Star Trek XI RPS
Stargate Atlantis
Stargate SG1
West Wing
Um, yeah.
As for writing, I am mainly a slasher. I seem incapable of writing just smut without bringing elements of plot into it. I also seem incapable of writing fic under 2000 words.
I have a decidedly kinky bent to my smuttyness. Consider yourselves warned.
If you think you can handle all that - then welcome to my journal.