An incomplete list of recent fic wants! Mostly SVU, lolsob. I refuse to call them plot bunnies because that would imply I want to write these, and even I end up writing them, I don't want to.
- Post-Major Crimes, Brenda waltzes into the bullpen like she belongs there. Andy is livid, takes her to task for not showing up for the wedding or the funeral. Sex happens, but I'm not sure if it's angry sex or missing Sharon sex or what. Just that there's a lot of emotions and none of them are really for each other.
- Olivia Benson/Jo Marlowe/Elliot Stabler. Everything about Jo turning up was catnip for me. I just want to roll around in it. Elliot neglected to mention his ex-partner Jo was a woman! A very hot woman! Jo wants to know if Olivia has hooked up with Elliot, implying she might've done so herself! I'm not asking for a work of staggering genius; it just needs to be porn with a bit of jealousy and possessiveness and everyone having a good time and no one being on their best behavior.
- You know Mulder and Scully going undercover in Arcadia as Rob and Laura Petrie? Like the dish? Elliot. Olivia. Same basic thing. Surely this exists? But it is not, as far as I can tell, on AO3! The fuck. I just need some longterm undercover as a couple with bed sharing and domesticity and totally expected feelings they shouldn't act on even though they have to do all the things they'd do if they were acting on them. Torture, in other words.
- Olivia/Dana Lewis. My face when Dana was talking about having a husband. Like. What? No, Dana and Liv are lesbians who should be PWPing together.
- I don't understand how Liv takes off her shirt calls Elliot daddy while pretending to be a prostitute and there's not five pages of porn about how this Awakened Something(TM) in them? Props to the person who turned it into a fuck-or-die thing, but I need my fuck-or-die to come with a few thousand words of angst and not talking about it afterwards.
- Related, I just need some dark/unsettling/uncomfortable fic and about the constant exposure to sex crimes fucking with their own heads about sex. I'm not talking about making an explicit connection or whatever, just like... create a mood. Show something a little bad and how it steadily gets worse. Make me feel like "oh no."
- Also, idk, just The Surgeon crossing paths with SVU for some reason?
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