I am fascinated about the word obsession. O.B.S.E.S.S.I.O.N. Nothing really sepcial, right? Just a nine letter word that means not much out of context and still I am fascinated - kind of a subtle fascination you can hardly put into words.
[1. Compulsive preoccupation with a fixed idea or an unwanted feeling or emotion, often accompanied by symptons
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Comments 1
Well, to me obssession would be the cumpulsion to go back to something,or someone, that made one feel incredible beyond anything we can explaine. At what point does one become obssessed with something to the point of finding it hard to let go....almost like if you let go, your life will end because there would be nothing else you felt you could live for (is that too extreme, or did it even make sense?)? I think, for some, that obssession is like not really wanting something, but feeling strongly that you need it only because no one will like you if you don't have one (whatever it may be)
I think one could get obssessed to the point of being down right greedy where nothing else mattered but what you wanted...
I have to give this a bit more thought...
Bed time for now.
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