I've finally caught up on posting fics to my website, including one exceptionally long crossover that I'm not posting as text here because it's a grand total of twenty-two chapters and I don't want to spam anyone. But here's the information for those who are interested:
Series title: Tok’ra Apocalypse
Series summary: Space is lovely, dark, and deep, / But we have promises to keep, / And light years to go before we sleep, / And light years to go before we sleep.
Genre: AU, Gen, Adventure/Humor with a side of hurt/comfort and a dash of angst
Crossover: Supernatural with Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis, plus Stargate Universe cameos
Rating: PG (with a caveat for non-graphic Hell imagery in Volume 3)
Setting: April-November 2010 (late SPN Season 5, SGU Season 2-ish), early 2011
Spoilers: Mainly SPN 5.19-22; references to much of SPN Season 5, SGA Season 5, and events throughout SG-1. All but the final epilogue was written before SPN 6.01 aired, and even that was half-written before the beginning of August. No spoilers for SPN Season 6 or SGU Season 2-to quote Ziva David, “I like my way better.”
Characters: For SPN (in order of appearance): Dean, Sam, Gabriel, Kali, Baldur, Mercury, Lucifer, Bobby, Castiel, Crowley, Brady, Chuck, Becky, Ash, AdaMichael (mostly offscreen), Lisa, Ben; cameo by Pamela Barnes. For SG-1/SGA: At least a cameo appearance of every major character from both shows, most of the secondary characters, and not a few minor characters, plus two major OCs (Dishon and Salim). For SGU: Dr. Nicholas Rush, Col. Everett Young, Sgt. Becker.
NB: Because this series is an AU of the last four eps of SPN Season 5 (and after) and sometimes parallels their plots very closely, Dean/Lisa and mentions of Gabriel/Kali and Sam/Jess are unavoidable plot points, but the stories are primarily gen (and the Dean/Lisa never gets stronger than a kiss in Volume 3). There’s also a brief moment or two of Sam Carter/Jack O’Neill and another of Vala Mal Doran unsuccessfully flirting with Cas, as well as a mention of Rosha-Jolinar/Martouf-Lantash.
More specific notes, warnings, and disclaimers are on the index page for each story.
Volume 1:
SnakeheadsSummary: Sam. Dean. Gabriel. A hotel full of System Lords. This can’t be good.
Word count: 17,600 (six chapters)
Volume 2:
If Wishes Were HorsemenSummary: Crowley was expecting two hunters backed by a cripple. Instead he got two Tok’ra backed by the best minds in two galaxies. Oops.
Word count: 31,600 (nine chapters)
Volume 3:
For Love Is Strong as DeathSummary: Whatever happens in Detroit, it’s the end of the world as Sam and Dean know it; the Tok’ra just have to keep their hosts alive long enough to see a new dawn.
Word count: 30,731 (seven chapters)
ansostuff, you're a champion beta for reading all of that. :D
UPDATED 12/21/11: PDFs NOW AVAILABLE! They're not super snazzy, but they work. :)
SnakeheadsIf Wishes Were HorsemenFor Love Is Strong As DeathThe whole trilogy in one document