Title: And Then the Stars Exploded
Rating: R
Genre: Fluff (?), Psychological (?), Thriller (?), Angst (?), AU
Pairing: Sakumiya
Length: 3700+
Summary: Sho, more than once, entertained the thought that perhaps, if the occasion called for it, maybe he’d die for him. And Sho, more than once, shook his head at himself. It wasn’t a maybe or a perhaps.
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Comments 2
Thanks for this fic!!
I love it! I really do, i enjoy twisted psychological love stories that have happy endings. Your story was so easy to read, even when i am feeling totally exhausted, i could still imagine it vividly and sympathize with Sho. You portray the characters and the setting just enough to fuel my imagination but not overload my brain with details.
Is there really such a person like Sho in this fic? Might not, but just the thought of it is amazing.
Please write more Sakumiya ff! Can't wait for the next one!
Much loves <3
Poor Aiba!!
I really liked the way you repeated 'He loved him', it was really effective as the story continued, as things shifted, as we uncovered the mysteries of Nino's behavior right along with Sho. The whole structure of this story was interesting, with it starting as a passionate love story, all the lovely descriptions of colors and Sho's infatuation and how it gets twisted up until the rather frightening, uncomfortable ending.
Great job!
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