(no subject)

Jul 27, 2005 11:04

Time started:11:25 am
Name: Jeana Bradbury
Nicknames:Eana, Saruhime, Lav-Lav, Won Won, Princess Dennis, Monkey Goddess.
Sex: mmmmm sex.
Birthday: go read my profile
Sign: it's better than yours.
Siblings:yup! four
Eye color:Hazel, Amber. (I dunno what to call it)
Shoe size: lets just say my feet are pretty big.
Height: 5'3"
What are you wearing right now: PJ pants and my Tae Kwon-do shirt
Where do you live: in america
righty or lefty:righty
Relationships: married *glomps hubby*
Who are your closest friends? they know who they are and if they don't then they are stupid.
Did you send this to your crush? Jessy will see this wont you baby, raaar. hee hee
Best place for a date: anywhere you can end up making out.
Where is your fav place to shop?: Antique shops
Do you have any tattoos or piercing:just my ears are pierced


Boys Name:Marvolo, Atticus, Edward
Girls Name: Nigella, Tovah, Beatrice
Subject in school: English
Animal: Cat and Bunnies
Drink: Water
Sport: Rugby
Food: Chocolate
Months: All of them.
Band: Nightwish, Epica, Distillers, Killers, Sex Pistols, Beatles, the list goes on...
Movie: LotR (that is all I can think of)
Juice : Orange and Cranberry. (not mixed)
Finger: my middle and ring finger.
Breakfast:Give me all the fatty greasy pancakes and bacon stuff.
colgne/aftershave/perfume: refuge (for me) Nautica (for him)
Favorite cartoon character:Naruto and Alucard


Given anyone a bath: yes.
Smoked: no.
Bungee Jumped: No, I hate heights
Made yourself throw-up:yes, it's not pleasant
Gone skinny dipping: yes.
Been in the opposite sex's bathroom: yes, (ask for story)
Eaten a dog biscuit: eeeeeeeew
Got your tongue stuck to a pole: Do ice cubes count?
Loved someone so much it made you cry?: yeah, I'm guilty
Broken a bone: No never thank god.
Played truth or dare?: a couple of times
Been in a physical fight: yup.
Been in a police car: I'm sure I have, but I don't rememeber
Come close to dying: yes, when I was born.
Been in a sauna : yes.
Been in a hot tub: oh yeah.
Swam in the ocean: yup. (thinks of Jessy's story and giggles to herself)
Fallen asleep in school: always
Ran away?: who hasn't
Broken someone's heart: yes.
Cried when someone died: yes.
Flashed someone: yes, how did you like the view Angel?
Cried in school: sure.
Fell off your chair: constanly
Sat by the phone all night waiting for a call: not that I remember
Saved MSN/AOL conversations: yes, damn I miss trillian.
Saved e-mails: a fare few
Fallen for your best friend?:I'm married to him, and if I could get away with it I'd marry Jessy too!
Been cheated on? kinda.

-- First Things --

Red: Blue
Blue: Sky
Autumn: Leaves
Cow: Milk
Greenland: oh so pretty
Cat: Sakura
Nickel: monkey
Elbow: Humorus
-- What Is? --

Your good luck charm: I don't think I have one.
What's your room like:it is the sex palace.
Last thing you said: Shit, only because I couldn't remember the lat thing I said
What is beside you: a bike pump.
What kind of shampoo do you use?: pantine prov
Worst thing that has happened to you this year: I got a stupid Hemrroid.
Had Chicken pox: yes, I got them for my 12 birthday
Had Sore Throat: I have one right now.
Believe in love at first sight?: yes.
Like picnics: they are okay.
Like school : no, not really.
What schools: N/A
Loved anyone:Yes, I love my hubby and all my friends


Eat a live hamster: WTF?
Go to a Hanson concert : ummm, I'd die first.
Kill someone you didn't know for 15 billion dollars:..if I were you I would't ask me such things. ( agrees with Essy)
If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want to be with you? My hubby, my friends,and Rupert (from Survivor)
If you loved someone and you were keeping something from them and it would hurt them if they found out, would you tell them: I say it like it is.

you touched?: Hubby
You massaged: I think it was my Aunt Sarah
You Kissed?: Hubby
You yelled at?: Hubby
Who told you they loved you: Hubby
Who is your loudest friend: All of them are loud.

Do you like filling these out: they are okay
Do you wear contacts or glasses: glasses
Do you like yourself: I'm the best
Do you get along with your family: yes, most of the time
Do you do drugs: Hell no.
Have piercing below the waist? hee hee, no.
Obsessive?: only over my Jessy.
Anorexic? No
Depressed? sometimes
Suicidal? NEVER


What are you listening to right now: nothing
What did you do yesterday: took Misha and my parents out, then went to see a movie
Hated someone in your family: there have been times
Got any awards: a couple
Do you want to get married: Damn too late
If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change: I would love to be taller.
Good actor: Gene Wilder
Good Singer:Tarja
Have a lava lamp: no
How many remote controls are in your house:five, I think
Are you double jointed: no
What do you dream about: weird shit, that mekes no sence. (like Snape turning me into a ferrett and Jessy turning me pink)
Time you showered: I rearly take showers
Are you a virgin: LOL, I hope not
Last time you took a bath: yesterday
The last movie you saw at the theatres:
Scary or happy movies: gimme both
Root beer or Dr. Pepper: soda, is eh... (root beer)
Mud or Jell-O wrestling: Jell-O
Silver or Gold: white gold.
Diamond or pearl: both
Sunset or Sunrise: Both
Phone or in person:MSN!
Oldest, middle, youngest or only child:youngest
Do you want your friends to fill this out and send it back?: I don't care,but I think they will. :)
End Time?:11:52 am


Do you wear black eyeliner?: I don't usualy wear makup,but yes if I'm wearing it.
Do you own any black clothing?: not enough of it is.
Do you think about death often?: Nope.
Do you want to die? Umm. no, I'd like to live forever
Are you a social outcast?: Yup! Proud of it too.
Are you pale?: no. I'm olive skined
Do you like Hot Topic?: Yes, one of my favorites.
--Skater Punk--
Can you skateboard?: hahaha, no.
Do you wear Vans?: What's a Vans?
Do you do stupid stuff with your friends?: like what kind of stupid stuff?
Do you get in trouble?: No.
Do you listen to bands: Not skater bands.
Are you in any? I can sing, and one day hope to have my girlfriends make a band.
Do you say the word "like": Only when I'm make fun of the people who like do it like all the time...like.
Do you shop at Abercrombie and Fitch?: once in a great moon.
Are the A&F guys hot?: sure... whatever...
Rock music is bad, right?: OH, yes.. we are going to go to hell for listening. No, I'd much prefer to listen to rap which degrades women. > <
Do you want to be in a sorority/fraternity? Like OMG! Hell no!
Into jocks/popular guys/girls? No, not really.
Are/were you a cheerleader? HELL NO!

Is your hair long?: No. shoulder length
Are you a vegetarian?: most of the time.
Do you own a tye dye shirt?: No, I don't..
Do you want peace?: Sure,but humans are we... human. Wont happen.
Do you want to save the animals: The ones that need it, yes.
Are you from the ghetto?: WTF?
Do you own "bling bling"?: I wear a watch and my wedding ring. Is that "bling"?
What do you think about do-rags? I think they are "Ghetto"
How about hip-hop?: NO!
What do you think about afros?: I'm down with that.
Have you ever said 'fo shizzle'?: yes, but only because I was making fun.

How often do you cry?: Hardly ever.
Do you have an ex?: Yes.
Do you have an acoustic guitar?: Yes. (but my brother has it at the moment)
Are you emotional?: Yes, I really hate it.
Do you like soft music: I like classical.
Do people understand you?: I generaly make myself pretty clear.
Do u write ur own songs?: Yes, but it has been awhile.
Is your hair dyed dark?: part of it is.
Do you cut?: Cut what?

Do you play any sports?: Yes it's called eating.
How important are they to you? Not very
Do you pick on the geeky kids?: I am a geekie kid.
What do you think about football?: AM football sucks ass
Were you considered a bully by anyone?: I was an/still am an ass.

Do you wear glasses?: Yup!
Do you get good grades?: When I want to.
Are you smart?: Depends on what "smart" means. Not very good at math. :P
Do you use an inhaler?: No.
Do you stick pens and calculators into your shirt pocket: My shirts don't have pockets.
Does your mom buy your clothes?: I always went with her though.
How often are you on the computer?: Like 80% of my waking time.
Do you ever get picked on?: No

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