Feb 08, 2012 21:16
Title: Blindfold
Author: kag523
Characters / Pairings: Kara / Lee
Word Count: ~ 2,000 words
Rating: M for mature themes and language
Summary: Kara has one last class to take before graduation, but her professor - Lee Adama - proves to be more of an issue than she expects.
Spoilers: Only if you squint.
Disclaimer: The following work of fiction is based on Ron Moore & David Eick's re-imagined Battlestar Galactica, 2003. The rights to the characters, situations and storylines from this series reside with the associated authors and studios. I make no claim to these rights, nor is this work intended for any monetary gain. It is simply a creative process.
Author’s Notes: This fic was written for damao2010 for the prompts: “Kara/Lee, a history seminar, a blindfold and families.” Enjoy! KAG :D
Fic HERE on my journal
Title: Arrivals
Author: kag523
Characters / Pairings: Kara / Lee
Word Count: ~ 2,200 words
Rating: M for mature themes
Summary: A pre-mini AU in which Lee and Kara attend the same high school.
Spoilers: generalized for canon.
Disclaimer: The following work of fiction is based on Ron Moore & David Eick's re-imagined Battlestar Galactica, 2003. The rights to the characters, situations and storylines from this series reside with the associated authors and studios. I make no claim to these rights, nor is this work intended for any monetary gain. It is simply a creative process.
Author’s Notes: This fic was written for margaretmoony for the prompts: “Kara/Lee, the Fleet, Sunglasses, Lyrics from Rilo Kiley's A Better Son/Daughter- And sometimes when you're on you're really fucking on And your friends they sing along and they love you.” Enjoy! KAG :D
Fic HERE on my journal
Title: Life Drawing (Unabridged)
Author: kag523
Characters / Pairings: Kara / Lee, and an appearance by Helo
Word Count: ~ 4,000 words
Rating: NC-17 for sexuality and mature themes.
Summary: Lee gets himself into a tricky situation during a triad game and has to pay back Kara Thrace in a way he never expects...
Spoilers: Generalized spoilers for the mini.
Disclaimer: The following work of fiction is based on Ron Moore & David Eick's re-imagined Battlestar Galactica, 2003. The rights to the characters, situations and storylines from this series reside with the associated authors and studios. I make no claim to these rights, nor is this work intended for any monetary gain. It is simply a creative process.
Author’s Notes: This fic was written for givsgr8face for the prompts “Lee/Kara, Academy - could be AU, pre-attacks, canon, you choose! Charcoal sketches of Lee naked! CRACK!FIC!! Lee got himself into a tricky situation and has to pay up, Nude model style! I love when authors explore Kara's more artistic side and you always bring the sexy when it counts!” This one made me giggle so many times. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did! KAG :D
Fic HERE on my journal