Unlike the first one, I actually had a reason to watch this one which didn't revolve around Keira Knightly's non-existent breasts, which made it more enjoyable. I didn't really enjoy the first movie, so that's probably why I loved this one...if I ignored Elizabeth being annoying, although she wasn't so bad at the end there--and Orlando's wooden performance. He was a bit better at parts. Really loved the way the story was going, but most of all.
Apparently, I've watched this guy's movies without knowing they were his movies. I watched The Sixth Sense, I think pre-maturely because I was thinking "Eveyrone said this was a good movie." and I got bored. That one and uh...well, I watched Signs because Jess told me to watch it and the whole water thing killed it for me. I mean...seriously..."ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY TO A PLANET WHERE OUR DEATH FALLS FROM THE SKY." I liked the whole family thing, but that last part could've been done a little better. It's like the whole George Lucas trying to justify the bad acting in Episode III.
ANYWAYS. I went to Lady in the Water, and I had to put reality on hold for the duration of the film. It was a beautiful modern day fairytale and I loved it. All of it. From the beginning to the end. Even that crazy Scrat Scrunt big fuckin' dog thing with red eyes. Scared the shit out of me. The characters were all fuckin' crazy, which was great, and Dallas was wonderful. So many good actors in that movie, like obscure ones, like the freak with the big arm? He was from Six Feet Under. Once I saw him in there I was like "I'm gonna like this movie...even though he's creeping me out."
Sadly, I think I missed a few lines because I was yelling at some teens sitting next to me to SHUT THE FUCK UP. Other than that, it was awesome.