I am sure all our friends on the journals will help you with the questions you have.
Lots of love Cousin Cicely
PS. Avipro will be with you by tea time today mum is sending you some down by train. PPS - are you related to my grandma Dame Maddie Bun - she is a harlequin too?
Now Edward you need your own journal and WE NEED PHOTO's!
I reckon you have well landed on your paws and welcome to the werld of being a pampurred bun.
I am no expert but Mum always works of the method of only introducing one new thing at a time and only a small amount. So if you wanted to change your food (I like food ..... ALOT!) then continue with what you are used to and just add a few of the new pellets, then slowly change the ratio over a couple of weeks. During this time don't try any other new things. But as I said what do I know?
Avipro is nommy and I still get it at times which may cause me stress, so if going on holiday or when I go to the vets for anything major. So get going as soon as Auntie Sarah sends it to help you adjust. (On line seems to be cheaper last lot I got was from Vetuk.)
Enjoy yourself Edward and make sure you cause as much mess and mayhem as you can.
Bruno (drug addict, ancient, girt beeg black bunny still hellbent on causing much mess and distruction) xxx
Beneficial info and excellent design you got here! I want to thank you for sharing your ideas and putting the time into the stuff you publish! Great work!
Comments 3
I am sure all our friends on the journals will help you with the questions you have.
Lots of love Cousin Cicely
PS. Avipro will be with you by tea time today mum is sending you some down by train.
PPS - are you related to my grandma Dame Maddie Bun - she is a harlequin too?
I reckon you have well landed on your paws and welcome to the werld of being a pampurred bun.
I am no expert but Mum always works of the method of only introducing one new thing at a time and only a small amount. So if you wanted to change your food (I like food ..... ALOT!) then continue with what you are used to and just add a few of the new pellets, then slowly change the ratio over a couple of weeks. During this time don't try any other new things. But as I said what do I know?
Avipro is nommy and I still get it at times which may cause me stress, so if going on holiday or when I go to the vets for anything major. So get going as soon as Auntie Sarah sends it to help you adjust. (On line seems to be cheaper last lot I got was from Vetuk.)
Enjoy yourself Edward and make sure you cause as much mess and mayhem as you can.
Bruno (drug addict, ancient, girt beeg black bunny still hellbent on causing much mess and distruction) xxx
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