dorkorific got HACKED. motherfucking HACKED!! AND TOOK SHOEBOX DOWN WITH IT!!! i don't even know what to say! I mean, like, I haven't even looked in that journal in like months and then Jaida was all "what the hell" and then i saw it.
please spread the word not to click on any links, or anything, cause...totally not me. You can tell because there is no swearing in it.
(ETA: APPARENTLY THERE IS SWEARING NOW which may or may not have been there before, I wasn't reading very carefully, but JESUS CHRIST does this mean they will edit it to do anything I say? ATTN RUSSIANS: your fake entry would sound more like me if it included the sentence "SUCK IT, VLADIMIR PUTIN." [pssst I am hoping they will do that and then their ISP will be tracked down and they will be thrown in the GULAG, let's see if it works.])
YOU GUYS, FUCK. do I have to do anything about this, do you think? what should i do? WHAT THE HELL
UPDATE: sent a hysterical report to ljabuse, still freaking out; all those entries are gone, y'all, the closest thing I have to a diary is just...gone. Thank god I don't update very often, huh? that'd really have sucked, if there'd been more writing up, right?
ugh, I just feel so gross and violated. I don't even know what they had access to, and I'm nervous even about changing my passwords cause I'm afraid my keystrokes are being monitored, even though I'm on a Mac and i THINK i should be okay, but just, gross, gross gross gross. HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN? SARAH PALIN HOW COULD YOU ALLOW THIS, I THOUGHT YOU WERE KEEPING AN EYE ON THE RUSSIANS FULL-TIME NOW