WARNING: The following entry contains explicit language used more often than usual due to emotional moodswings and disturbing events. Read at your own risk and interest.
Everyday on the news, there's always some crime that makes it to be Australia's big headline story. And the majority of the time, you're just like, yeah, that's too bad for them or whatever.
And then once in a while, there's just one crime that just totally hits you. Hard. Like you can't believe that someone could be so ...that someone HUMAN could do that. You seriously start to question the world we live in.
That crime that has got me pissed off and frustrated at the planet Earth and feeling helpless at the same time, is the disturbing
Darling Harbour rape. I just can't believe that such an event took place - like ... rape happens every day in this disgusting world we live in. But to think that it happened at Darling Harbour, which has held so many good memories for me, in the early evening, when there were people that were just 5 m away ... oh my fucking god. It taints the memories.
It just makes you want to type up an angry blog entry and fucking swear in fucking every sentence at the fucking dickheads who have no fucking life and rape for fun cause they can't get fucking laid. Fuck them.
Mr Falzon [the rapist] revealed on reading the police facts that, before she was led to the toilet block, the victim had agreed to expose her breasts because she was scared and surrounded by the group, who all groped her breasts and put their hands down her pants.
His mother, two brothers and de facto wife whispered words of comfort to him from the public gallery during the hearing and at one point his mother said: "She should have just walked away."
She should have just walked away? WALKED AWAY? Like what kind of stupid statement is that? She was surrounded by 4 jerks that were all physically stronger than her. What the mother says makes me so bloody pissed off that I'd like to see what she could do if she was in that predicament.
Bloody sickos.
I don't think I'll be going to Darling Harbour in a while.
I hope to god they catch the bloody sickos and that they get jailed for life.