Pick up the last transcripts from the registrar’s office.
Write the statements of interest for the last two schools.
Send application packages by courier.
Finish reading a novel (1/3 done) for tomorrow’s class.
Send a discussion question on the novel to the professor today.
Do some research for the R.A. job.
Think about the topic for my seminar in two
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Comments 2
Sherry, please believe me when I say I would be more than happy to come spend time with the kids while you get work done. I know they don't require your constant supervision, but I'm sure it couldn't hurt to have a chunk of time to spend on work that you would usually spend on dinner and cleaning up and stuff (yes! I can do these things!) - just say the word!! I'd love to hang with them. I can also run errands for you with them.
Thanks for the offer -- I think it will be okay though. I generaly have a list like this and although domestic stuff is constant and ongoing, getting it done helps me get other stuff done. It's a weird pardox!
Can you make the freezing weather go away though? That would help -- I'm currently afraid of going outside.
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