All right, I've done my squee-ing. Now for the pondering. Spoilerish for 3.01, of course -- so no likey, no clicky.
Everyone is posting their 2 cents about Juliet, so here's mine: I don't trust her yet-- partly because I feel like that's what the writers want us to do, but mostly because she shot Sawyer with the tranquilizer dart. (That whore! Stick to Jack and leave my Sawyer alone!)
Aside from that, I liked her. Her banter with Jack about being a "repo woman" was awesome. She also seems WAY better for him than Kate, both in terms of chemistry between the actors and the fact that Juliet sees right through Jack's crap-- she's not going to hero-worship him, and that's what Jack needs. From what we've seen of his relationships with Sarah and Kate, his pattern seems to be that the girl starts out seeing him as a hero, thereby feeding into his savior complex, thereby setting both of them up for disappointment when they realize he's as human as anyone. A human with Major Issues, no less. Is it possible Jack is just as fucked up as Sawyer?? If so, will I have a new favorite?? (Nah, that'll never happen.) Also, wouldn't it be interesting for Jack to fall for a woman who has the upper hand on him? Not to mention the other Losties' reactions when they found out Jack was "with" an Other. It would be like seeing Christ smoking a cigarette with a hooker or something.
Speaking of cigarettes (and hookers), how AMAZING was Josh in that episode?!? My favorite scene was where Sawyer sees Tom leading Kate toward him-- that shocked/worried/caring expression was just... wow. But then of course he's able to put that aside and be all casual and smooth and snarky with Tom. But then he shared the fish biscuit that he was so proud of! And did you see the way she was smiling at him? (SQUEE!) I admit it, I've rooted for Sawyer and Kate ever since Confidence Man because I love the chemistry between them. Although, of course, we all know that even if Sawyer gets the girl he will do something to screw it up (probably intentionally), because he's that messed up. Oh, the ANGST! I can't wait for next week.
Dammit, I have to go to a meeting. I will be daydreaming about Lost the whole time; I know it. Hope everyone is having a more productive day than I am!