
Sep 21, 2005 17:18

I don't have anything new to report. I will say that life at my school is going progressively down the drain. We're having all kinds of problems with the principal - she's making moves to do things that most people are in disagreement with and that actively work to make the teachers' lives miserable. I'm just so tried of this crap.

I told Chris that we had to make some decisions over the next couple of months. IF we get pregnant, then we have to decide if I'm going to be able to stay home - that would be a pretty easy decision. IF I don't, then we need to decided whether I'm going to look for a completely different career or try to transfer within the same county or try to make the shift to the county we actually live in. Switching schools in the same county could potentially be difficult. The principal refuses to write recommendations for anybody if she thinks they're leaving. (If I get pregnant, that would be easy to get around b/c I'd tell her that I was planning on staying home and needed her to write a letter to go into my personnel file.) IF we decide to have me transfer within the county AND she refuses to write a letter, then we have to decide whether we want to get involved in a battle with her and all the rest of the county. I'd have to call the union and all kinds of crapola would ensue.

Also, I worry that if I get pregnant life could be miserable for a couple of months and I know she has some issues with pregnant teachers that aren't having an easy time of it. I have the most challenging class in the school - nobody disagrees with me on that point. IF I have problems (morning sickness, exhuastion etc.) I'm afraid that it will be exacerbated by the exhaustion I already feel due to my class of students.

Argh!!! I told Chris last night that all I really wanted to do was go upstairs, pull the covers over my head and cry myself to sleep.
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