Title: Bad Blood
m14mouseRating: M (violence, sex scenes)
Genre: AU, based on True Blood. Mystery, supernatural, romance.
Characters/Pairings: Sam Winchester/Castiel, Dean Winchester/Cassie Robinson, Ava Wilson/Andy Gallagher, Gabriel, Uriel, Chuck Shurly, Ellen Harvelle, Jo Harvelle, Ash Lindberg, Bobby Singer, Jodie Mills, Detective Henrickson, some original characters.
Warnings: Swearing, some violence, some sexual content.
Word Count: 70,403
Summary: Being a telepath isn’t easy. Growing up in Sioux Falls, living with family friend Bobby Singer and working at The Roadhouse, Sam Winchester has an uncomplicated life to balance out that annoying problem of hearing other people’s thoughts. But then an Other (one of the supernatural beings who had revealed themselves to the world some two years ago) comes into the bar.
Aside from being incredibly handsome and more than a little endearing, Sam can’t read the Other's mind at all. That bit of excitement suits Sam fine, but then dead bodies start turning up, some of his friends reveal secrets of their own, and Sam realises that he is not the only person with supernatural abilities in Sioux Falls. He’s not the only person who is now in a whole heap of danger.
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