Hi writers, your draft is due on Oct 26th, for those of you beautiful souls who are done, you're more than welcome to submit your draft ahead of the deadline.
We will accept your draft as long as it's Oct 26th somewhere in the world, however no extension will be granted. You will receive a confirmation e-mail within 24 hours of submission, please resubmit your draft and leave a comment in this post if you haven't receive a confirmation.
In order for your draft to be eligible, it must be a complete story and over the minimum word count of 10K. The draft needn't be beta'd. We ask that you submit your draft as an attachment in one of the following formats (.pdf/.doc/.docx/.rtf/.txt) and sent it via e-mail to sassy.minibang@gmail.com, Please put "Draft submission - (your LJ username)" in the title of your e-mail.
Please also include the follow information in the body of your e-mail, this is the summary that will appear on the art claim post.
Title:Rating:Word Count: Genre: Characters/Pairing: Warnings (and enticements):Visual keywords: Summary: A few notes on the art claim summary: You should make sure your summary covers the premise and settings of your fic, as well as any major secondary characters. Be as descriptive as you can, try to avoid abstract summaries. It's a good idea to ask your beta to look over your summary before your submission. Also note that this summary is used for the art claim and you can use a different one when you post your fic. Your title, however, should be your final one.
We strongly encourage you to include visual keywords. When choosing the keywords think about the visual elements that are unique to your fic. (e.g. "Castiel in a trench coat" is a bad choice while "Castiel in a bloodied trench coat looking desperate but fierce" is great).
Here's an example.
Title: The Epic Adventure of the Rainbow-Pooper and His Surly Angel
Rating: R
Word Count: 33K
Genre: SPN/RPS crossover, AU
Characters/Pairing: Jared/Castiel, Jensen, Osric Chau, Felicia Day, Ty Olsson
Warnings (and enticements): Explicit sexual content, Jared as an unicorn, minor body modification, darker themes as the fic progresses.
Visual keywords: Purple and fuchsia forest, Jared with a silver horn and silky lavender hair but otherwise Jared-shaped, gloomy floating castle above blue-grey sea.
Summary: Loosely based on The Last Unicorn. Jared the muscular unicorn lived in the enchanted forest Padaleckia with his human best mates Jensen, Osric, and Felicia. Their days were full of songs and at night they would get their frolicking on in the magical Fountain of Magic. One day, Jared met an injured creature who called himself Castiel and claimed to be an angel from another dimension. Castiel told Jared that the other unicorns were being held captive by the evil wizard Ty. The angel offered to help Jared, but in return Jared must heal him with his rainbow power and help sent him back to his own dimension.
If you have any question you can comment on this post or e-mail us at sassy.minibang@gmail.com, we eagerly look forward to reading everybody's draft! :D