Even though I found some parts of this episode beyond unbelievable, I still really, really enjoyed it! I never thought I’d say this, but I adore the new team! Each one of them has been developing quite nicely. Thirteen is becoming more and more likable (and OW’s acting is quite good) with every scene, and I LOVE her together with Foreman! That is *one* ship I completely support! :D I really liked their dynamic in the beginning and thought it was sweet that Thirteen gave Foreman a gift. I also liked Thirteen’s interaction with Janice. What I *didn’t* like, though, is the whole thing with Thirteen telling Foreman he’s *acting* like House and *is* like House - because it was more been-there-done-that - but I changed my mind when Foreman asked Janice to reconsider. That said, I hope this is finally, really, truly the end of Foreman’s House issues!
As for the other new ducklings, I liked how Taub was trying to make everyone deal with their feelings and the truth, even though he was way off with both House/Cuddy (saying that it was true love) and Kutner (thinking that he was bullied, rather than being a bully himself). Perhaps misperception is one of Taub’s issues - or maybe he was teasing House about Cuddy loving him. I thought it was hilarious to watch Kutner and Thirteen exchange giggles. And, of course, seeing Kutner deeply pained by the PotW’s situation and then going to apologize to someone he bullied was really nice. I also liked the Kutner/Taub dynamic when they were searching lockers at the school and questioning Wilson about House’s holiday gift. I think the new cast is shaping up quite nicely, and I was wrong to doubt. I guess that explains why Shore & Co. have a hit television drama, whereas I...don’t! ;-)
I am delighted that Cuddy got her baby finally! I like Cuddy and I think she deserves to be a mom. (One of the difficult to believe parts, for me anyway, was that the baby was still alive, though.) I also wonder if her desire for House, after he kissed her when she lost Joy, was mostly motivated by her loss of a child than a real desire for a relationship. I don’t know. I melted from the way House looked at Cuddy while she was standing over the baby and when he told her, “Merry Christmas, Cuddy.” He was genuinely happy for her. At first I didn’t really like Cuddy’s hair, but it grew on me throughout the episode. The style does kind of make her look more domestic, which might be what TPTB were going for with mom!Cuddy.
I enjoyed Wilson responding to Taub’s and Kutner’s inquiry about the antique book gifted to House that it was from “Irene Adler” who was “the one who got away”! A little too meta for me, but still hilarious! I thought Taub or Kutner gave House a Sherlock Holmes book for Christmas last year, though. And, regardless, wouldn’t at least one of them know about Irene Adler? And, what I was hoping would happen during the House/Cuddy arc actually happened, and Stacy was referenced, suggesting to me, beyond a reasonable doubt, that she is still “the One” for House! :D We’re not supposed to forget about her because House hasn’t! (Also, when the gift card on the book was read, since it began with “Greg”, I was thinking it might be from Stacy. Alas, it wasn’t...)
Now, regarding House and Wilson, their cafeteria scene with the ice cream sandwiches was classic and delightful! I have to wonder, though, about the note attached to the wrapped antique medical book in which Wilson called House “Greg”. We have never heard him refer to House as anything other than House; in fact, I don’t think anyone other than Stacy ever called him Greg, so it seemed odd to me.
The second thing I found hard to believe (besides the baby still being alive) was that House really told the pregnant woman that her pregnancy was the result of parthenogenesis! I mean, really, wouldn’t the couple go around telling people that they had a virgin conception? Surely *someone* in their circle of friends or family would question it, right? And House could lose his medical license…but I guess I’ve suspended disbelief before, so why not now? ;-)
Shallow thoughts: House’s eyes looked especially beautiful while he was wearing the white lab coat; in fact, House was consistently beautiful throughout the episode.