Title: Spice Characters: House/Wilson Rating: NC-17ish Words: 3,800 Summary: House gets jealous over Javier Bardem, sort of Warnings: Shameless domesticity with a dollop of smut
Hee! This was exactly what I needed today. Their banter was perfect as always, and I loved how you explored some of House's insecurities here. Not to mention hot sex and the return of Wilson's ecstasy-induced Swedish nonsense :D Thanks for this, and hope you're still okay down in the city!
PS - Please, flood our f-lists with "frivolous domestic fics" anytime an idea strikes your fancy! We love 'em :)
PPS - I love Javier Bardem, but I'll take Hugh Laurie and his blue eyes over him any day.
Thanks for reading, and for the well-wishes. I hope your family in the area is safe and warm. A lot of my friends still don't have power and/or a home. Crazy.
On a completely different note, I agree with you on JB vs HL. I sorta based the last scene here on a "hot or not" convo my friend and I had on JB :p
Well, I certainly don't blame Laracuente for trying! And considering the fearsome reputation House (and House's jealousy) must have among the other hospital staff, he's obviously a braver man than most.
But then, Wilson is a bigger prize than most.
I adored this from beginning to end, but for some reason this exchange was my favorite:
Wilson sighed. “I’m sorry, Rick. Please, sit down and let’s finish. He eventually goes away if you ignore him.”
Dr. Suave nodded uncertainly before sitting. House promptly took a seat next to him. When his two couch mates looked at him, he shrugged. “I eventually go away.”
Wilson pinched the bridge of his nose before refocusing.
I could see and hear that scene as if it had been filmed!
(I could also see and hear the sex scenes -- although, alas, we'll most likely never see them on film . . . Sigh. Thank god for your excellent writing and my vivid imagination!)
Absolutely brilliant! I was smiling ear to ear throughout. Every line was a gem. A few like this, Wilson rolled his eyes. “Install new window treatments. What do you think?” had me laughing out loud.
You're performing a public service writing domestic fics. Moar please!
Oh my, this is really, REALLY good. I'm kinda just hanging around on the board today, and it's a lovely surprise to have accidentally stumbled across something so funny and well-observed.
Comments 22
PS - Please, flood our f-lists with "frivolous domestic fics" anytime an idea strikes your fancy! We love 'em :)
PPS - I love Javier Bardem, but I'll take Hugh Laurie and his blue eyes over him any day.
On a completely different note, I agree with you on JB vs HL. I sorta based the last scene here on a "hot or not" convo my friend and I had on JB :p
Thank you!
But then, Wilson is a bigger prize than most.
I adored this from beginning to end, but for some reason this exchange was my favorite:
Wilson sighed. “I’m sorry, Rick. Please, sit down and let’s finish. He eventually goes away if you ignore him.”
Dr. Suave nodded uncertainly before sitting. House promptly took a seat next to him. When his two couch mates looked at him, he shrugged. “I eventually go away.”
Wilson pinched the bridge of his nose before refocusing.
I could see and hear that scene as if it had been filmed!
(I could also see and hear the sex scenes -- although, alas, we'll most likely never see them on film . . . Sigh. Thank god for your excellent writing and my vivid imagination!)
Well, if that were on film I might never leave home. So there's the upside.
Thanks so much for reading! Glad you liked it.
You're performing a public service writing domestic fics. Moar please!
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