Meme, movie..another rambling

May 24, 2009 18:10

I finally have a change to watch the complete episodes of MARS. YAY!! It is a Taiwan TV drama series. I heard it is a Japanese manga. It involved Vic Zou and Barbie De (from Meteor Garden).

Next, here is a MEME. I got this MEME from A1y_puff. This talked about fanfic stuff.

1.How much FFN's pen name do you have?
- just one

2.Type it all!
- diamondust

3.When did you join FFN?
-err….forgot the exact date. But I think it was around 2007

4.What fandom you're writing on?
- Prince of Tennis. What else.

5.How did you know FFN for the first time?
- By browsing


6.Who's your favorite character?
- Fuji Syusuke from Prince of tennis, Kamijou Hiroki from Junjou Romantica and Hyoga the saint Cygnus from saint Seiya are my most favourite characters

7.What's your favorite pairing?
- Of course the pair which related with the three characters. Let’s see, they are Perfect pair (TezukaxFuji) from prince of tennis, Junjou egoist (NowakixHiroki) from Junjou romantica, and Hyoga CygnusxShun Andromeda. I also love another pairs such as Alpha pair (SanadaxYukimura), Junjou Romantic (AkihikoxMisaki) and..oh…I think Yuki EirixSuichi is cute too..^^

8What's your favorite fandom?
- Prince of Tennis and Junjou Romantica. Lately I have tried to search any slash fic from Gakuen Alice fandom. Unfortunatlly there are not many.

9.What's your favorite fanfic?
- Can’t mention it because there are too many beautiful fanfics in the fandom ^^. Maybe Tokyo Light by embyr81788, Moments With You by A1y-puff, Lost fantasies and Putting Out Fire by SK100187 are the fics that I adore most.

10.Who's your favorite author on FFN?
I always fall in love to all fics written by Ryu-Reikai-Akuma and SK100187


11. Have you ever given a flame?
- Never

12. What fanfic did you give it?
- Nothing

13. Why did you give it?
- Never give a flame

14. Have you ever got a flame?
- Nope. Maybe because I don’t write many fics..^^.

15. Who's your favorite flamer?
- I never get any flame. But if only I get one, I think I am not going to like any


16. What character you hate the most?
- don’t have any

17. What pairing you hate the most?
- Any pairing which involve Fuji other beside Tezuka or vice versa.

18. What fandom do you hate the most?
- don’t have any

19. What fanfic do you hate the most?
- author’s shelf centred character or the fic which put much OC.

20. Who's the FFN's Author do you hate the most?
- None. If I don’t like their fics, I simply don’t read. No need to hate the authors.


21. What are your weaknesses on fan fiction?
- angst and crack

22. What are your strengths at fan fiction?
- err..drama and fluff?

23. What's your own fanfic you hate the most?
- My newest one, its temporary tittle is I Love Him (this is too plain title so I have pan to change it later). But I really hate that fic right now because I got very crucial critics from my beta and this fic is sure hard to write…XDD

24. What's your own fanfic you love the most?
- Anomaly. It is very simple but touchy. The story is about Tezuka and Fuji.

25. Do you love writing fanfics?
- I love writing. Mostly I write fictions in Indonesian. Fanfic and English story are new for me. So I still learn and adjust myself to it.

meme, rambling

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