General Rules

Sep 28, 2009 20:24

General Rules:

+-This is a community for those who ship Sasuke and Naruto together. Every request and submission must include sasunaru.

+-Lurkers are loved~!

+-Incest, AU, OC, femme!/masculine!, clonecest, cross-gen, cross-dress, chan, non-con, side-pairings, OT3+ and anything squick are permitted.

+-Kinks and smut are obviously encouraged!

+-No heterophobia. No sexism. No racism. No xenophobia. No bigotry. No hate.


+-Because this community is open to all kinks, there is a HIGH possibility that there will be a kink you are uncomfortable with or hate with all your guts. However much it might bother you, you must refrain from bashing. Rudeness of any kind will not be tolerated.

+-No advertising.

+-No off-topic posts without mod permission.

+-ABSOLUTELY NO PLAGIARISM. This will result in banning.

+-X-posting is permitted, as is combining the week's request with other communities' challenges/prompts. Feel free to say where you are also posting it. And please make sure to add sasunaru_kink to your intro wherever you do post!

+-Please refrain from posting old drabbles, or sections of your other fictions. The point of the community to be inspired by the requester, and posting old stuff goes against the spirit of sasunaru_kink.

+-Please comment~! Everyone likes to hear what you thought of their work. (Remember: NO BASHING. If you don't like the kink, DO NOT READ IT.) I will not ban you for not allowing comments on a post, but I will be highly, highly annoyed.

+-Breaking rules is a sad thing. If something doesn't seem right, I will send a warning, and you must remove the comment/post (unless you convince me that it was actually appropriate). If I see that you are repeatedly doing something against the rules, I will ban. (Please don't make me! I wanna be a nice mod~!) If you feel like someone is breaking the rules, please feel free to tell me. I will not name you, and it would be nice to have help keeping this community nice~!

+-Have a shipping that you really, really wish had a kink meme? I am willing to host whatever kink mime you feel can be properly responded to. So, preferably, the shipping would be popular and/or semi-popular. It could be for whatever fandom (keeping it within Naruto-verse would be nice, though) and shipping. I will host it, but it will most likely be up to the requester to pimp the community. Contact me if you are interested~!

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