Title: Sleep, Detective
seirei_ryuuSummary: Detectives can't really solve crimes if they're tired. Good thing Sakura's got Sasuke.
Rating: K
Prompt: Crime
Sakura stared at her computer screen. It was late and she was still flicking through suspect shots, trying to make a connection with the witness testimonies.
“You should get some rest,” said Sasuke, her partner for the past eight years and the best one ever.
“You know I can’t,” she mumbled, rubbing her eyes. Sasuke came up behind her and ran his fingers through her hair. She leaned back in her chair, allowing Sasuke to rub her shoulders. His cools fingers where very soothing. “Why can’t we tell them about us?”
It was no secret around the station that there was something going on between them. Something, but no one is able confirm it or show the something has progressed. But it certainly did. Three-night-a-week progressed. They were just very good at hiding it.
“And lose the best partner? No thanks,” he scoffed.
Sakura smiled. If the chief ever got proof, he’d immediately split them up and have them transferred to different precincts as far away from each other as possible.
“You know you won’t figure it out if you’re tired,” he said.
She supposed he was right. She could never function if she was running low. That’s what coffee was for.
“No coffee,” he ordered, holding her face so she looked at him. It’s like he can read her mind.
“Fine,” she sighed. Sakura logged off and grabbed her jacket. “But when I solve this case tomorrow, you better buy me the biggest bag of coffee you can find.”
He smirks and she knows what that means. Oh, he’ll give her something even better than coffee, and she can’t wait to nab that culprit.