Title: Safekeeping
Author: Mushroom
Pairing: SasukexNaruto
Here's a ficlet for all. Enjoy. :)
Sasuke found a photo lying on the grass earlier that day. It was a bit dusty when he picked it up, but it remained undamaged.
He gazes at the photo and sees Naruto standing on a rock, sun high and orange behind him.
Naruto grins at Sasuke, right hand displaying the “peace” sign. Sasuke finds himself biting the urge to laugh-Naruto looks silly, but laughing right now would be very uncharacteristic of the Uchiha. So Sasuke resumes his trademark Uchiha scowl and drops the photo on the ground. Hah, he says to himself. Idiot. He glances at it for a second, picks it up, then places it under a rock, so that no one would step on his idiot-the picture.
His scowl softens, and is replaced with actual confusion.
Sasuke wonders who took the picture. Probably Iruka-sensei, he thinks. He’s the only one stupid enough-sappy enough to take a photo of the annoying blonde brat. He probably thought he looked adorable, and carried the photo with him everyday. That’s right. It was an Iruka thing to do, to walk around with Naruto-infested merchandise or something as equally sickening.
Sasuke turns to walk away, then stops. Shit. His legs feel like lead. Annoying. The Uchiha believes that it’s better to leave the photo there, where Iruka-sensei could find it, but he knows the picture might end up dirty and mangled. He doesn’t care, really. But the thought of leaving it annoys him, so he bend down and picks it up. Sasuke can be obsessive-compulsive, sometimes. So troublesome, he snorts, words resembling Shikamaru’s usual drabbles.
Sasuke slides the photo in his pocket. The object feels foreign, tickling his hips, so he takes it out and stares at it again. Naruto continues to smile at him. A rare smile--he had seen it once when they were alone together. They were training that night; Sasuke noticed the blonde had improved, and told him so. By accident, of course. Naruto’s look of surprise was genuine and…priceless. He smiled back, blue eyes grateful. Sasuke was quick to recover though, and they began insulting each other when things seemed too awkward.
He did not deserve such things.
The Uchiha walks back to his apartment, holding the photo loosely with his right hand. After entering the door, he tosses the photo on the couch and places the dinner he bought on the table. He eats, accompanied by silence. An argentine necklace found in his bedroom flickers, a fleeting memory of a dead town.
He picks up the photo, and a debate automatically forms in his head. Should he return it to his former school teacher? It was the right thing to do. But why should he? He did not care. It was just a photo. He could take another picture. Why was he fussing over a picture? It made his head hurt.
He wonders why he can’t let go. He did not deserve it, but he holds on. It seems important, somehow. Naruto in his crazy orange jumpsuit, with a dazzling smile that could rival the sun. Sometimes Sasuke thinks too much, but that’s what happens when you’re always alone. Sasuke wonders if Naruto thinks a lot, too.
Thinking? Naruto? He snorts. Naruto’s brain does not function properly. But then again, they were very similar.
They were similar. He had no right to be...smiling like that. Naruto’s smile annoys him, because he knows he’s brave. Sasuke bites his lip and, in a moment of fury, flings the picture into the bin. Letting go became easy after that.
Sasuke digs. He searches, frantic. He throws things behind him. His apartment is littered with garbage, unrecognizable. A search in vain. Only yesterday, his room was empty and bleak. When did things change? He wants to hold on, but the sun is gone.
The ANBU conducts a thorough investigation in Uchiha Sasuke’s flat to search for clues about Orochimaru’s whereabouts. His room is in disarray. There’s a photo, placed facedown on the table. A nin picks it up and observes it. The picture reveals a group of happy people. It’s quite disturbing, because no one has the right to be so oblivious these days.
Beneath a pile of scrolls and notes in the living room is another photo. It’s a bit dusty on the surface, but the smile is brand new.