Okay, I got hold of Torchwood Magazine's latest issue today and had a look at the new comic strip written by Gareth for his character Ianto.
Gareth said that he agreed to develop this comic because he 'implicitly knows his character'. In that case he should know that Ianto would not use cheesy lines like that on any woman! Canonically Ianto has never been anything other than classy and dignified in women's company. But, the OOC-ness of Ianto combined with the mysterious coffee blend leads me to believe that this coffee stall woman might be THAT woman. Let's see.
I was really confused by the fact that Rhys was cooperating with John Hart and puzzled by some of the dialogue such as 'drifter of the 2010 variety' and 'he has helped us before' until it hit me that Rhys and Hart were from the future and had time-travelled to warn Ianto about this mysterious woman. It took me a little while to figure that out, so maybe I am just slow, but it was a but unclear and confusing at first. How did Rhys time-travel though?
Rhys mate, I don't know about you, but changing the timeline so that Ianto lived after the 456 wouldn't have been bad at all in my book! And what's this I see -- WonderGwen stuck at home, holding her Bay-Bee!
When I read the comic for the first time, I was a little underwhelmed, but on re-reading it I think it is fairly interesting. I am looking forward to next month's issue for the second part.