static x girl223: hi there
murder me now13: hey angela
static x girl223: how r u
murder me now13: not all that bad
static x girl223: so u like brenden
murder me now13: meh
murder me now13: hes alright
static x girl223: no
murder me now13: i have a boyfriend
static x girl223: i want a yes or no answer
murder me now13: not really
static x girl223: u promise
murder me now13: not right now atleast, anyway i have a boyfriend so it didnt matter if i liked brenden or not
murder me now13: even tho i dont
static x girl223: what do u see in him
murder me now13: see in who
static x girl223: brenden
murder me now13: nothing hence why i dont like him
static x girl223: as a friend
murder me now13: meh hes nice to me
murder me now13: i guess..
static x girl223: u guess
murder me now13: hes nice to be around
static x girl223: lol
static x girl223: if only u knew what he said about you
static x girl223: andd what he realy is
static x girl223: what he really is like
murder me now13: whatd he say?
static x girl223: at the beggining of the year he talked so much shit about u
murder me now13: does he still talk trash
static x girl223: idk after what he did to me i dont talk to him
murder me now13: which thing he did to you...?
static x girl223: idk if i can trust that you wont tell anyone
murder me now13: why would i i have nothing to gain from your faults
static x girl223: what my faults?
static x girl223: what the fuck are my faults?
murder me now13: i mean the bad things that happened
static x girl223: what
murder me now13: you know what i mean i mean the thing that you dont want to tell me because you dont trust me
murder me now13: thats supposedly a bad thing
murder me now13: especially if you dont talk to brenden afterwards
static x girl223: if i knew what the fuck you were taking about i would not have asked
murder me now13: im sorry
murder me now13: i didnt mean it like that
static x girl223: you think i have bad judgement on what the fuck happend to me
static x girl223: do you really want to know
murder me now13: angela calm down i dont really want to know
murder me now13: okay
murder me now13: keep it in just dont be mad at me
murder me now13: i meant nothing
static x girl223: fuck i am mad at you
murder me now13: why
static x girl223: you sit her and act like i make shit up or that it is not horrible all i fuckin wanted was an answer on what you saw in him that is it
murder me now13: i gave you one so why are you pissed off i dont care about what it is that necessarily happened i care about you and how you react to things ya see i dont care in the action i care about the aftermath, your feelings and such, i do believe that it was a bad thing, so bad that you cut off brenden... please dont be pissed at me for trying to... nevermind i'll give you your space
static x girl223: omg
murder me now13: angela anything i say will only piss you off more, i've apologized and no good has come from it, you need to calm down... and i still dont get why you are pissed at me i say only rational things that make sense and that are true, you shouldnt get pissed at the truth you should embrace it and learn from it
Then she signed off or blocked me or someting.
By the way, the reason I'm not using capitals and punctuation and periods and such is because it's Angela and I don't need to impress her.
the conversation with angela and i...