The first day you came over to my house and slept in my bed and then left for band practice really fast, and then there are the days in first period orchestra.... I love my Mattie!
Lemme think of one that isn't NC-17... ;) That's kinda hard... lol
The one day when we were having some problems over the summer due to our lack of communication and you brought me a rose and we walked around my neighborhood and talked and made things all better...
for you to dump me exactly a week later...
and then for us to get back together and the first kiss we had after all that stuff was the best kiss I've ever had. :)
Comments 5
The one day when we were having some problems over the summer due to our lack of communication and you brought me a rose and we walked around my neighborhood and talked and made things all better...
for you to dump me exactly a week later...
and then for us to get back together and the first kiss we had after all that stuff was the best kiss I've ever had. :)
When you took me to Wal-Mart to buy a thong for Georgea.
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