1. Crop your base and do whatever you need, for example i had to duplicate my base and set it to Multiply 63%.
2. Go to layer> new adjustment layer> curves
RGB: 91/155
Red: 234/255(just move upper right point to this point)
Green: 158/141
Blue: 183/122
3. Fill new layer with #6c6c45 and set it to Exclusion 30%
4. Fill new layer#2 with #323f46 and set it to Soft Light 100%
5. Fill new layer#3 with #c9eade and set it to Color Burn 36%
6. Go to layer> new adjustment layer> color balance
Midtones: 5/-22/-5
Shadows: 7/0/-15
Highlights: -41/0/100
7. Go to layer> new adjustment layer> selective colors
Reds: -30/27/9/21
Yellows: 30/-9/-12/-3
Whites: 55/-7/-7/-7
Neutrals: 0/0/0/-5
Blacks: 0/0/0/18
8. Duplicate selective colors layer and lower opacity to 59% and chage settings ONLY in Whites
Whites: -1/-6/-50/-7
P.S.: If your icon is to bright -> before Step 2 go to layer> new adjustment layer> gradient map and choose black/white and set opacity depending on your base.