This is my 2008 movies post.
I've been to the movies 78 times this year, I've seen some really bad movies and I've seen some really good ones.
This post is just about the good ones, the best of 2008.
Before it begins ... statistics !
Movies seen in 2008 :
Total : 141
In theater : 78
At home : 63
USA : 100
France : 30
England : 7
Canada : 2
Ireland : 1
Spain : 1
27 Dresses
"Benny and the Jets ! I cried like a baby at the Keller wedding."
The editing is freaking beautiful. The end killed me, exactly the kind of love story I love.
August Rush
Magic. The music is delightful.
Baz. Luhrmann.
Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis
With 20.2 million viewers, it is the most successful French film in France.
I probably liked it that much because it takes place where I live.
However, I think it's overrated and I wish they would stop talking about it all the time.
Angelina deserves an award for this. Heart-rending.
I had fun watching this, I kept wondering when I would have died during the movie.
Into the Wild
"Happiness is only real when shared."
Iron Man
You'd think it's just another blockbuster movie. It's more than that.
J'irai dormir à Hollywood
The guy took his camera and decided to go to the USA to meet American people. Made me want to go to the United States even more.
"Thundercats are go !!!"
Le premier jour du reste de ta vie
Funny. Touching. Go see it.
P.S. I Love You
Made me laugh, made me want to cry, made me realize Jeffrey Dean Morgan was hot.
Pour Elle
Great performances, good story.
Sex and the City
"I curse the day you were born ! I think my water just broke."
The Dark Knight
Do I really need to say why I loved it ? Heath Ledger better win the oscar.
Cutest movie ever.
2009 : movies I'm looking forward to see