2008 movies

Jan 04, 2008 14:03

These are all the movies I saw in 2007

1. 03/01 Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason on tv, with Jac

2. 06/01 La guerre des tuques on tv, alone and then with Alex
wow, what a flashback!

3. 08/01 Le dernier continent* in theater, with Alex
Alex trippe sur le grand Nord (dans le cas de ce film, l'Antartique, par contre), alors il voulait voir ce film. Les images sont superbes. J'ai été pognée par le suspense de l'attente de l'hiver. Par contre, la narration de Jean Lemire m'a un peu tanné sur les nerfs.

4. 12/01 Music and Lyrics* on dvd, with tons of people
The idea of Hugh Grant as a 80's has-been singer is enough to make me love this movie. I loved the rest of it too! It's funny. It's cute. It has awesome music. It has Hugh Grant.

5. 15/01 Sweeney Todd* in theater, with Alex
Wow, that was bloody! It took a while to become bloody though, but when it started, it just couldn't stop. I think it was a little too much for my taste. Of course, Johnny is fantastic, but not as much as Helena Bonham Carter. And the little boy's voice. This is a one-time deal for me, not the kind of Depp/Burton I would like to see over again for fun.

6. 17/01 À la folie, pas du tout* on dvd, with Alex
Ok, this movie was awesome and I recommend everyone to watch it. The way the story is told is just too well-done. I don't want to talk about it because I don't want to give anything away, but please watch it.

7. 24/01 When Harry Met Sally* on dvd, with Alex
I had no idea Billy Cristal could be that cute. And why the have I not seen this sooner? I mean, it's the kind of romantic comedy that even your man will enjoy. How is that for a win?

8. 31/01 The Last Trapper* on dvd, with Alex
Another movie that we watched because of Alex' fantasy with the wild North. Ten minutes into the movie, he was already like: I want to go there, it's so beautiful! And I was like: I knew we shouldn't have watched that movie!
That aside, the movie was ok. The scenery is beautiful, of course. But the staged dramatic events, not so much.

9. 05/02 No Country for Old Men* in theater, with Alex
The actor in this movie are top notch. Javier Barden is chilling. And the sound. It's so weird how there are very long scenes with no music and almost no sound. It's quite distressing, actually. The story is good too. However, I had trouble understanding the accents. And there are so lengths!

10. 19/02 Juno* in theater, with Alex
We went to see this in French because... well, because. Anyway, it wasn't a good idea since it was a France adaptation. I really need to watch it again in English. It's so light and fun. I love love the young girl. She's just so great. And Jennifer Garner.

11. ??/02 After Sunset* on dvd, alone
I love this movie so much! The characters are just soooo cute. And I love the conversation format of the movie. Even though they are just walking around and talking, they are never boring. And they have so much chemistry.

12. 04/03 Borderline* in theater, with Alex
J'ai vu Isabelle Blais sur toutes ses coutures. Je savais que ça allait parler de sexe, mais je m'attendais pas à voir des images aussi crue. Ça m'a dérangé un peu. On peut dire que le thème principale de la plupart des films québécois, c'est les familles dysfonctionnelles. Ce film ne fait pas exception. Je conseille, mais pas au esprits prudes!

13. 11/03 10,000 BC* in theater, with Alex, A-E and Luke
Ok, let's get this straight, this movie pretty much sucks. The guy is pretty and shirtless, that's one good point. Also, the building temple scenes are quite impressive. But the story... well, I had already seen it tons of times before.

14. 17/03 Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl on dvd (mine), with Alex
We started watching Hotel Rwanda, but the dvd didn't work, so we switched to PotC because Alex had never seen it.

15. 22/03 Pearl Harbor* on tv, with Jac
The bombing scenes were awesome in that movie, I felt so distressed watching the people on the boats and in the hospital die.

16. 27/03 Peindre ou faire l'amour* on dvd, with Alex
quel ennui mortel! et un sujet de merde. Alex l'avait choisi pour Daniel Auteuil. pfff! au moins les paysages sont magnifiques

17. 12/04 March of the Penguins on dvd, with Alex

18. 02/05 Shark Tale* on tv, with Jac
It is quite impressive how the fishes look like their voice actors. Sometimes the main character looked so much like Will Smith, it was scary. And also, Martin Scorcese. They went really big on this movie with the actors. Anyway, the story was predictable to the max, but it was still funny.

19. 05/05 Murder by Numbers on tv, with Jac
I really enjoyed this movie the first time I saw it. Ryan Gosling is pretty good in it. Well, he rarely isn't.

20. 06/05 Maman est chez le coiffeur* in theater, with Alex
Quel joli film! Les enfants sont tellement bons et mignons. J'ai beaucoup aimé la recréation des années 60, les vêtements, les meubles, les voitures, la façon de vivre. Et surtout, la musique. Le film présente bien le conflit entre "c'est l'été et les vacances, on est jeunes et on veut s'amuser" et le désespoir des enfants devant leur famille déchirée.

21. 10/05 Bring It On: All or Nothing* on tv, with Alex and Jac
We started watching for fun. There were so very funny lines. But mostly, it's just a bunch of stereotypes in one movie. And a story we've seen a thousand times before.

22. 15/05 Something's Gotta Give* on dvd, with Alex
Typical romantic comedy, except that it deals with 60-year-olds. Even though Jack Nicholson freaks me out, he is a good actor.

23. 18/05 Abril Despedaçado* on dvd, with Alex
This is a Brazillian movie about a young guy who lives very far away in the country with his parents and little brother. They are on a vendetta with the neighbouring family and are waiting for them to kill one of them. A couple of bohemians come to the nearest town to give a show and the boy falls in love with the girl and decides to leave with her. Anyway, it was pretty boring and the picture was so dark, we couldn't see anything half the time.

24. 19/05 The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian* in theater, with Alex

25. ??/05 The Simpsons Movie at the library, with Alex

26. 10/06 Indiana Jones and Temple of the Crystal Skull* in theater, with Alex
Really? Aliens in a Indy movie? I just don't get it! I kept hoping through the whole film that it would turn out to be something else. Apart from that, I had a bunch of fun, the Indy humour is still there.

27. 24/06 U23D on Imax* in theater, with Alex

28. 02/08 The Mummy on tv, with Alex and Jac

29. 03/08 Ce qu'il reste de nous* on tv, with Jac
A Tibetan girl who grew up in Canada films a message from the Dalai Lama to the Tibetans and goes to Tibet to show the tape illegally to people. This movie was very informative and touching. It was incredible to see everyone, no matter their age, listening with great attention to the message and be touched by it. The old ones were crying and the young ones felt more Tibetans than never. Their situation is so sad.

30. 09/08 There Will Be Blood* on dvd, with Alex
Wow, that was intense. Every scene is packed with this intensity and tension. Unfortunately, we watched it on Alex's laptop and there was practically no sound, so we couldn't hear the music, which I guess would have made the film even more intense. Daniel Day Lewis is stunning and scary. I never knew what kind of person he was and what he wanted. And Paul Dano is so good. It's the kind of film you can't watch twice though. Going through that a second time? No, thank you.

31. 12/08 The Dark Knight* in theater, with Alex
I have to admit something: This is the first Batman film I've ever seen completely. I remember watching the first Batman film, not I'm not sure I saw all of it. And I caught the end of the one with George Clooney once on tv. Let's just say that most of what I know about Batman comes from the very colourful serie on tv when I was a kid. Anyway, I really liked it, except for a few things. I couldn't stand Batman's voice. And how everyone thought he was bad. And how Harvey Dent became bad. Seriously, that was very stupid that he searched vengance on the people that were his friends the day before. The Joker scared me. I don't know if I was supposed to feel sorry for him, but I never did.

32. 19/08 Mamma Mia!* in theater, with Alex
I hadn't had that much fun in a theater in a long time. This movie is made of happiness. Merryl Streep is brilliant. I can't believe how in shape and young she looks even at her age. Her two friends are hilarious and the young actors are just so beautiful. The men are so cool. Pierce Brosman can't sing at all, but who cares, really? The look like they have so much fun and you kind of wish you could go dancing and singing with them. I did, anyway. Oh, and of course, if you don't like ABBA, you're probably gonna hate this film, but then I feel sad for you.

33. 24/08 Love, Actually on dvd (mine), with Alex
After the movie finished, Alex and I made out on the couch for a while. What else is there to do actually?

34. 26/08 Elegy* in theater, with Alex
This is a romantic drama movie about a 50-something art critic teacher who falls in love with his 20-something student. He is scared of getting old and he doesn't want to commit. He's afraid that she'll his heart and leave, so he does it instead. It's packed with emotions and pretty pictures. My favorite parts were his conversations with his best friend. Both Ben Kinsley and Dennis Hopper are so good together. The end was a bit disapointing though. Anyway, it's a kind of a depressing movie, but also very pretty.

35. 28/08 Ennemy at the Gates* on dvd, alone
I had been wanting to see this movie forever. And I borrowed it from Luke and it took me again forever to watch the dvd. (Which reminds me, he also lent me I, Robot and I haven't watched it yet.) Anyway, I'm a sucker for World War II movies and I really enjoyed the fact that this one was set in Russia, which is a bit different. The story was very interesting, but I sometimes had trouble understanding who was who because it was so dark. I loved it anyway.

36. 01/09 Zoolander* on tv, with Jac
Ridicule at his best. Sometimes you like to put your brain on off and not think for 2 hours. This is the kind of movie for that. Not really my style usually, but entertaining nonetheless.

37. 06/09 Monty Pyton and the Holy Grail* on dvd, with Alex
I felt totally out of the loop all this time because I had never seen Monty Pyton. And now finally, I saw the light. Now THIS is my kind of humour! Totally random and absurd. I love it. Thank you Alex for sharing this with me.

38. 21/09 Burn After Reading* in theater, with Alex
What a mind fuck! I'm not even sure what to say about this movie. It's too fucked up. The guy responsible for the CIA had me in hysteric. And so did George Clooney. It wasn't haha funny, mostly what the fuck? funny.

39. 25/09 Play it Again, Sam* on dvd, with Alex
Oh, how I love neurotic Woody Allen. I really need to watch more old school Woody Allen movies.

40. 04/10 Clue on dvd (mine), with Alex
I think I need a yearly dose of this movie.

41. 04/10 Melinda and Melinda* on dvd, with Alex
1 opening scene: Melinda is messed up and crashes a dinner party. 2 writers, one who writes tragedy and another who writes comedy, tell the rest of the story. 2 very different stories. The idea is interesting, but the movie is not.

42. 05/10 Before Sunset on dvd, with Alex
I'm sharing the love.

43. 05/10 300* on dvd, with Alex
In one word: bloody.
I watched it on a computer screen, I guess it was nothing compared to the big screen.

46. 11/10 Iron Man* on dvd, with the Brazilian crowd
I didn't know Iron Man before seeing this movie (actually, I don't know much about superheros), so I'm not going to give you the movie vs comic review. The movie was fun, but it could have been more entertaining. I thought it was a bit too... much. I know it's supposed to be a superhero and bigger than life, but still. Plus, I like when superheroes are nice people in real life too. This one wasn't.

47. 18/10 Indiana Jones and Temple of the Crystal Skull on dvd, with the Brazilian crowd
Once was enough for me, but everyone wanted to see it.

48. 25/10 Constantine* on tv, with Alex and Jac
If you know me you'll know that this really isn't my type of movie. I didn't expect to like it and I didn't. The way they portray God, Lucifer, hell and heaven is so wrong. I know it's fiction, but it makes me uneasy.

49. 28/10 Paris* in theater, with Alex

50. 08/11 My Big Fat Greek Wedding* on dvd, alone

51. 15/11 Histoire d'hiver* on dvd, with Alex

52. 15/11 Children of Men on dvd, with Alex and Jac

53. 20/11 Quantum of Solace* in theater, with Alex

54. 23/11 Missing* on dvd, with Jac

55. 11/12 Tropic Thunder* on the plane, with Alex

56. 15/12 Les poupées russes* on dvd, with Alex

57. 19/12 Astérix: Mission Cléopâtre on dvd, with Alex

58. 31/12 Bienvenue en Suisse* on dvd, with Alex

Total of movies seen in 2007: 58
Total of movies seen for the first time: 43
Total of movies seen in theater: 16

Best movies I've seen in theater in 2007:
5. The Dark Knight
4. Maman est chez le coiffeur
3. Burn After Reading
2. Mamma Mia!
1. Juno

Best movies I've seen for the first time in 2007 (but not in theater):
5. Les poupées russes
4. À la folie, pas du tout
3. When Harry Met Sally
2. There Will Be Blood
1. Monty Pyton and the Holy Grail

movies, 2008

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